ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/6/6(木)-関連記事-台湾 新総統が就任

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/6/6(木)-関連記事-台湾 新総統が就任

Lai Ching-te sworn in as new president of Taiwan
Monday, May 20, 13:16
5月20日(月) 13:16

Lai Ching-te has taken office as Taiwan’s new president.

Lai of the Democratic Progressive Party was sworn in at the presidential office in Taipei on Monday morning. He vowed to abide by the Constitution, faithfully fulfill his duties, promote people’s welfare and protect Taiwan.

Lai succeeded Tsai Ing-wen, who served as president for two consecutive four-year terms.

Newly inaugurated Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim joined Lai to send Tsai off at the front gate of the office. Tsai waved to people who gathered and then left in a car.

After his election victory in January, Lai told a news conference that on the basis of parity and dignity, he would pursue dialogue with China instead of confrontation, and confidently promote cross-strait exchange and cooperation.

Beijing claims Taiwan as part of China and is wary of Lai as a separatist. It considers the one-China principle as a prerequisite for China to engage in dialogue with Taiwan.

China said last week that the new leader of the “Taiwan region” must make a clear choice between “whether to follow the will of the people and take the path of peaceful development, or to go against popular will and engage in provocation and confrontation.”
中国は先週、「台湾地域」の新たな指導者は、「民意に従って平和的発展の道を歩むか、民意に反して挑発や対立を行うか 」の明確な選択をしなければならないと述べた。


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