ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/7/3(水)-関連記事-男女平等調査 日本は118位

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/7/3(水)-関連記事-男女平等調査 日本は118位

Survey: Japan lags behind at 118th in global gender equality rankings
Wednesday, June 12, 12:27
調査: 世界の男女平等ランキング、日本は118位と出遅れ
6月12日(水) 12:27

A survey shows that Japan’s standing in the global gender equality rankings still trails behind most of the world, despite some improvement from last year. The result highlights the slow pace of progress for women politically and economically.

Japan ranks 118th among 146 nations in the annual Global Gender Gap Report released by the World Economic Forum on Wednesday. Its ranking went up by seven places, from 125th last year.

The report compiles rankings for “Economic Participation and Opportunity,” “Educational Attainment,” “Health and Survival” and “Political Empowerment.”
報告書は、”経済参加と機会”、”教育達成”、”健康と生存”、”政治的エンパワーメント “のランキングをまとめたものである。

Overall, Iceland tops the list for the 15th year in a row, followed by Finland, Norway and New Zealand.

Japan almost achieves parity in education and healthcare, but again scored poorly in the other two categories.

The report says the share of women in legislative, senior official and managerial roles in the country increased by 1.7 percentage points from last year to 14.6 percent, but this remains amongst the lowest in the world.

It says that, “Japan’s gender disparity in senior roles remains significant.”

The report also warns that it would take 134 years to achieve equality worldwide at the current pace.


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