ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/7/5(金)三人でフリートーク-“ドクターイエロー”運行終了へ

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/7/5(金)三人でフリートーク-“ドクターイエロー”運行終了へ
Yellow Shinkansen railway icon nears end of the line

-Today’s Takeaways 【ニュース解説に関連する英語表現】
Fans of Japan’s shinkansen bullet trains are getting ready to bid farewell to a colorful icon of the tracks. Railway operators say they will phase out the so-called “Doctor Yellow” inspection cars.

bullet train 「弾丸列車、新幹線」
bid farewell to -, 「~に別れを告げる」
Right. The word bid means basically the same thing as say, but it sounds a little older, more formal and more sophisticated. We almost always use it with farewell, goodbye or good luck.

So since it feels kind of deep important and serious, bid is a good option to use when you want to sound cool and dramatic in a presentation, for example.

It’s time to bid farewell to the past. The future, everyone is now.

It’s off-limits to ordinary passengers and operates only once about every 10 days.
(be) off-limits to -, 「~は立ち入り禁止、~は入ることを許されていない」
Off means away from or outside. So the basic idea is that something off-limits is outside the limits of what you’re allowed to do.
(オフとは、離れている、外にあるという意味である。 つまり、基本的な考え方は、オフ・リミッツ(立ち入り禁止)とは、やっていいことの制限の外側にあるものということだ。)

So, Tom. Have you ever seen Doctor Yellow?
Doctor Yellow? Yeah. I actually saw him once for my lower back pain.
I think you’re talking about other doctor Yellow.
see, 「見る」と「お医者さんに診てもらう」
Thanks, Sayuri. But you know, explaining a joke, kind of ruins it.
OK. So let me ask you one more time. Have you ever seen Doctor Yellow?
I want to say yes, but my memory is a little fuzzy. Chances are I haven’t. How about you, Sayuri?
No. I’ve never seen Doctor Yellow. I guess that’s because they run only once about every 10 days.
You said you probably haven’t seen Doctor Yellow, but have you taken the shinkansen, Tom?
Yep. And having grown up in a place where we never rode trains at all, I could hardly contain my amazement on my first shinkansen trip. And when my wife pushed that foot pedal and flipped around the seats to face each other, I was, like, “OK, stop. This is incredible. What is next?” I’ll always remember that. Naomi, do you have any good memories of the shinkansen?
Ah, yes. I used to take shinkansen every weekend.
Every weekend?
Yes, since when I was in high school. (Okay) I had to come to to Tokyo from my hometown, Kyoto to work for my job, my work as a model. So shinkansen is like my body.
Did you see Doctor Yellow?
Yes, once.

I miss the shinkansen dining car.
I miss you.
I missed the shinkansen bullet trrain. 乗り遅れた
I said, “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.”

I will miss you, Doctor Yellow.

I couldn’t contain my excitement listening to today’s discussion.
Good, good!

We hope you enjoyed the lesson.
See you next time.


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