ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/11/29(金)予習- “伝統的酒造り” ユネスコ無形文化遺産登録へ
MC:トラウデン直美 解説:大門小百合
Making of Japan’s alcoholic drinks to get Unesco listing
Japan’s traditional alcoholic drinks, including sake and shochu, have been gaining popularity around the world. Now the know-how of making them is about to be honored by UNESCO.
Japan’s Cultural Affairs Agency says a UN advisory panel has recommended the method of making the drinks be added to the world body’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list.
The original method of producing the beverages, which is still used, was established more than 500 years ago. It involves steaming rice or barley, creating koji mold, and then fermenting the drinks.
The craftsmanship has evolved according to the natural characteristics of individual regions and has been passed down through generations. The drinks have long been used in traditional rituals and festivals and have served an essential role in Japanese culture.
The cultural agency says the UNESCO committee is expected to make the listing official at a meeting in December in Paraguay.
making ˈmeɪ.kɪŋ 製造
Japan’s alcoholic drinks dʒəˈpænz ˌæl.kəˈhɒl.ɪk drɪŋks 日本のアルコール飲料
Unesco juːˈnɛs.kəʊ ユネスコ(国際連合教育科学文化機関)
listing ˈlɪst.ɪŋ 登録
sake ˈsɑː.keɪ / ˈsɑːk.eɪ 日本酒
shochu ˈʃəʊ.tʃuː 焼酎
gaining popularity ˈɡeɪ.nɪŋ ˌpɒp.jəˈlær.ɪ.ti 人気を得ている
Cultural Affairs Agency ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl əˈfɛəz ˈeɪ.dʒən.si 文化庁
UN advisory panel ˌjuːˈɛn ædˈvaɪ.zər.i ˈpæn.əl 国連の諮問委員会
Intangible Cultural Heritage list ɪnˈtæn.dʒə.bəl ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl ˈhɛr.ɪ.tɪdʒ lɪst 無形文化遺産リスト
original method əˈrɪdʒ.ɪ.nəl ˈmɛθ.əd 元来の方法
steaming rice ˈstiː.mɪŋ raɪs 米を蒸す
barley ˈbɑː.li 大麦
koji mold ˈkoʊ.dʒi məʊld 麹菌
fermenting ˈfɜː.mɛn.tɪŋ 発酵
craftsmanship ˈkrɑːfts.mən.ʃɪp 技術、職人技
natural characteristics ˈnætʃ.ər.əl ˌkær.ɪk.təˈrɪs.tɪks 自然の特徴
passed down pɑːst daʊn 受け継がれた
traditional rituals trəˈdɪʃ.ən.əl ˈrɪtʃ.u.əlz 伝統的な儀式
festivals ˈfɛs.tɪ.vəlz 祭り
Japanese culture ˌdʒæp.əˈniːz ˈkʌl.tʃər 日本文化
UNESCO committee juːˈnɛs.kəʊ ˈkɒm.ɪ.ti ユネスコ委員会
December dɪˈsɛmbər 12月
Paraguay ˈpær.ə.ɡwaɪ パラグアイ