ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/12/25(水)予習-韓国 ユン大統領の“弾劾”廃案に
Motion to impeach S.Korean President Yoon fails
We begin with the latest in South Korea’s political drama. The National Assembly speaker has announced that the motion to impeach President Yoon Suk-yeol has failed due to a lack of voters. The country has been in turmoil since his surprise declaration of martial law.
The bill was submitted by six opposition parties. They did not have the two-thirds majority required to pass the bill and needed the support of at least eight ruling party members. But most members of the ruling People Power Party left the assembly hall ahead of the impeachment vote.
Fewer than 200 of the assembly’s 300 lawmakers ended up voting. The speaker said that due to a lack of voters, the bill was automatically scrapped. The result means Yoon will continue his duties as president. Local media report the opposition will try to file another impeachment motion.
Yoon plunged South Korea into chaos late on Tuesday after declaring emergency martial law. The measure was lifted after being overturned in parliament.
motion to impeach /ˈmoʊ.ʃən tə ɪmˈpiːtʃ/ 弾劾動議
fails /feɪlz/ 失敗する
National Assembly /ˈnæʃ.ən.əl əˈsɛm.bli/ 国民議会
speaker /ˈspiː.kər/ 議長
announced /əˈnaʊnst/ 発表した
lack of voters /læk əv ˈvoʊ.tərz/ 投票者不足
turmoil /ˈtɜː.mɔɪl/ 混乱
martial law /ˈmɑːr.ʃəl lɔː/ 戒厳令
submitted /səbˈmɪt.ɪd/ 提出した
opposition parties /ˌɒp.əˈzɪʃ.ən ˈpɑːr.tiz/ 野党
two-thirds majority /tuː ˈθɜːrdz məˈdʒɒr.ɪ.ti/ 3分の2の多数
ruling party /ˈruː.lɪŋ ˈpɑːr.ti/ 与党
People Power Party /ˈpiː.pəl ˈpaʊər ˈpɑːr.ti/ 国民の力党
assembly hall /əˈsɛm.bli hɔːl/ 議場
impeachment vote /ɪmˈpiːtʃ.mənt voʊt/ 弾劾投票
fewer than /ˈfjuː.ər ðən/ ~未満
automatically scrapped /ˌɔː.təˈmæt.ɪ.kli skræpt/ 自動的に廃案
plunged into chaos /plʌndʒd ˈɪn.tuː ˈkeɪ.ɒs/ 混乱に陥った
declaring emergency /dɪˈkleər.ɪŋ ɪˈmɜː.dʒən.si/ 緊急事態を宣言する
overturned in parliament /ˌoʊ.vərˈtɜːrnd ɪn ˈpɑːr.lə.mənt/ 議会で覆された