ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/11/7(木)関連記事-アマゾン 原発開発に投資

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/11/7(木)関連記事-アマゾン 原発開発に投資
Amazon bets on nuclear power to fuel AI ambitions

Amazon has signed three agreements to support the development of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) / © AFP
Amazon announced significant investments in nuclear energy on Wednesday, joining other tech giants in aiming to meet the high electric power demands of artificial intelligence using atomic energy.
As companies including Microsoft, Amazon, and Google rapidly expand their global data center capabilities, they are actively seeking new electricity sources.
Amazon has signed three agreements to support the development of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), which are more compact and potentially easier to deploy than traditional reactors.
The technology is still in its infancy and lacks regulatory approval, however, raising doubts about implementation timelines.
“One of the fastest ways to address climate change is by transitioning our society to carbon-free energy sources, and nuclear energy is both carbon-free and able to scale — which is why it’s an important area of investment for Amazon,” said Matt Garman, CEO of Amazon Web Services.
According to an Amazon spokeswoman, the contracts signed are worth over half a billion dollars.
Amazon’s new partnerships include collaborating with Energy Northwest to develop four advanced SMRs in Washington state, potentially generating up to 960 megawatts of power by the early 2030s.
The company is also taking part in a $500 million funding round in X-energy, a leading SMR developer, to support more than five gigawatts of new nuclear-energy projects.
Additionally, Amazon is teaming up with Dominion Energy to explore an SMR project near Virginia’s North Anna nuclear power station, aiming to add at least 300 MW of power to meet projected demand increases.
Northern Virginia, a global internet crossroads, is experiencing unprecedented growth in electricity demand due to data center expansion. Dominion Energy has indicated that new natural gas plants may be needed despite commitments to decarbonize the state’s power grid by 2045.
But the need for fossil-fuel-fired generation to power data center growth is at odds with the environmental ambitions of major tech companies, which are championing their ability to deliver AI’s power without tarnishing their green credentials.
Google recently signed a deal with Kairos Power for SMR-generated electricity, while Microsoft plans to use power from the restarted Three Mile Island facility.
Amazon has also announced plans to locate a major data center next to a 40-year-old nuclear facility in Pennsylvania.
According to Goldman Sachs, data center power demand is estimated to grow 160 percent by 2030, with AI representing about 19 percent of data center power demand by 2028.

bets on bɛts ɑn 賭ける、期待する
nuclear power ˈnjuː.kli.ər ˈpaʊər 原子力
fuel fjuːl 燃料にする、推進する
ambitions æmˈbɪʃənz 野心、目標
Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) smɔːl ˈmɒd.jʊ.lər riˈæktərz 小型モジュール式原子炉(SMR)
artificial intelligence ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃəl ɪnˈtɛlɪdʒəns 人工知能
data center ˈdeɪtə ˈsɛntər データセンター
electricity sources ɪˌlɛkˈtrɪsɪti ˈsɔːrsɪz 電力源
infancy ˈɪnfənsi 初期段階、発展途上
regulatory approval ˈrɛgjələtɔri əˈpruːvəl 規制当局の承認
transition trænsˈɪʃən 移行
carbon-free ˈkɑrbən fri 炭素を排出しない
scale skeɪl 規模に合わせて増やす
investment ɪnˈvɛstmənt 投資
spokeswoman ˈspoʊksˌwʊmən 女性の広報担当者
partnerships ˈpɑːrtnərʃɪps 協力、提携
megawatts (MW) ˈmɛɡəˌwɑts メガワット(電力の単位)
gigawatts (GW) ˈɡɪɡəˌwɑts ギガワット(電力の単位)
unprecedented ʌnˈprɛsɪˌdɛntɪd 前例のない
natural gas plants ˈnætʃərəl ɡæs plænts 天然ガス発電所
decarbonize diːˈkɑrbəˌnaɪz 炭素排出を減らす
environmental ambitions ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmɛntəl æmˈbɪʃənz 環境目標
green credentials griːn krɪˈdɛnʃəlz 環境に配慮している証明
internet crossroads ˈɪntərˌnɛt ˈkrɔsˌroʊdz インターネットの重要拠点
Kairos Power ˈkaɪroʊs ˈpaʊər カイロス・パワー(会社名)
power demand ˈpaʊər dɪˈmænd 電力需要
Three Mile Island θri maɪl ˈaɪlənd スリーマイル島(原子力発電所の場所)
Goldman Sachs ˈɡoʊldmən sæks ゴールドマン・サックス(会社名)
estimated ˈɛstɪˌmeɪtɪd 推定された、予測された

アマゾンは小型原子炉(SMR)の開発を支援する3つの契約を結んだ / © AFP

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