And an old single screen cinema in a small city in northeastern Japan has charmed audiences for the past decade. The mid 20th century theater offers a refreshing alternative to multiplexes. We explore the facility’s 10 year revival and meet the couple behind it.
Hand painted film sign boards, posters of nostalgic masterpieces, tucked away in all that they. in Akita prefecture, this movie theatre, Onariza, is a cherished local landmark. In August, more than 1,000 film fans from across the country gathered for a film festival celebrating the 10th anniversary of its reopening.
The cinema’s lineup ranges from crowd-pleasers to avant-garde gems, satisfying many different tastes.
Onariza first opened in 1952, but closed in 2005 as the Japanese film industry went into decline. Kirikae Katsura and Yoshinori from near Tokyo decided to breathe new life into the historic venue. They leased the space and reopened it in 2014.
We thought we’d do it for three months and then quit, but as time went on, it no longer felt like it was just our theater.
To sustain film screenings the couple have transformed Onariza into a versatile venue hosting events ranging from theater performances to pro wrestling five years ago the couple needed to buy the site and building valued at 8.5 million yen or around fifty seven thousand dollars
We all agonized over that decision, whether we should buy it and keep it going or not.
But a crowdfunding campaign quickly gathered pace and exceeded the target by a significant margin. The couple was particularly touched by one elderly lady, who was unable to travel to Odate, and instead… donated about $700 from the cost of the trip.
We’ve often considered giving up on this cinema, but this treasure keeps us going when times are tough.
The film festival audience was thrilled when the famous screen star, Yoda Arata, made an appearance. He expressed his long-standing admiration for Onariza.
I finally made it to Onariza. This cinema has screened so many films I’ve participated in over the years. With the creation of hand-painted signboards, I’ve always dreamed of the day I could come and personally present a film.
The film festival was a blockbuster success.
As long as my wife allows it, I want to keep pushing forward with various projects.
My permission doesn’t make any difference.
Their goal for the next decade is to fill all 200 seats in the cinema during screenings, a dream that may be within reach, as the number of their film-loving supporters continues to grow.
single screen cinema /ˈsɪŋɡl skriːn ˈsɪnɪmə/ 単一スクリーンの映画館
charm /tʃɑːrm/ 魅了する、惹きつける
alternative /ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪv/ 代替の、別の選択肢
revival /rɪˈvaɪvəl/ 復活、再生
hand-painted /hænd ˈpeɪntɪd/ 手描きの
tucked away /tʌkt əˈweɪ/ 隠された、見つかりにくい場所にある
cherished /ˈtʃɛrɪʃt/ 大切にされている、愛されている
landmark /ˈlændmɑːrk/ ランドマーク、名所
crowd-pleasers /kraʊd ˈpliːzərz/ 大衆受けする作品
avant-garde /ˌævɒnt ˈɡɑːrd/ 前衛的な、アバンギャルドな
lease /liːs/ 賃貸する
versatile /ˈvɜːrsətl/ 多才な、多目的の
agonize /ˈæɡənaɪz/ 苦しむ、悩む
crowdfunding /ˈkraʊdfʌndɪŋ/ クラウドファンディング
exceed /ɪkˈsiːd/ 超える
admiration /ˌædməˈreɪʃən/ 尊敬、賞賛
blockbuster /ˈblɒkbʌstər/ 大ヒット
project /ˈprɒdʒɛkt/ 企画、プロジェクト