
Japanese public choose ‘gold’ or ‘money’ as kanji of 2024

People in Japan have chosen the Chinese character meaning “gold” or “money” as the kanji that best symbolizes this year.

An association promoting the use of kanji announced the result of its annual poll on Thursday with a calligraphy performance at Kiyomizu-dera temple in Kyoto City.
Chief priest Mori Seihan wrote the kanji “kin,” which can also be read as “kane,” with a brush on a large sheet of paper.
The association says the winner garnered 12,100 votes out of some 221,900 entries. This is the fifth time that this character has been selected since the poll started in 1995.
Association officials say it was chosen because of the many gold medals Japanese athletes won in the Paris Olympics and Paralympics. They also cite MLB player Ohtani Shohei winning his third MVP.
The officials note that the registration of Sado Island’s gold mines as a World Heritage site was apparently on people’s minds.
But they add that this year’s kanji can also mean “money,” symbolizing a number of problems in society.
They point to the political money scandal that has rocked Japan’s ruling party, a series of robberies involving people recruited for “shady” part-time jobs, and the impact of inflation on household finances.

public ˈpʌblɪk 公衆、一般の人々
choose tʃuːz 選ぶ
gold ɡoʊld 金
money ˈmʌni お金
kanji ˈkændʒi 漢字
symbolize ˈsɪmbəlaɪz 象徴する
association əˌsoʊsiˈeɪʃən 協会
promoting prəˈmoʊtɪŋ 推進する
announced əˈnaʊnst 発表した
result rɪˈzʌlt 結果
annual poll ˈænjuəl poʊl 年次投票
calligraphy performance kəˈlɪɡrəfi pərˈfɔːrməns 書道のパフォーマンス
Kiyomizu-dera temple ˌkiːjoʊˈmiːzu ˈdɛrə ˈtɛmpəl 清水寺
Kyoto City ˈkjoʊtoʊ ˈsɪti 京都市
chief priest tʃiːf priːst 主任僧侶
brush brʌʃ 筆
large sheet of paper lɑːrdʒ ʃiːt əv ˈpeɪpər 大きな紙
garnered ˈɡɑːrnərd 集めた
entries ˈɛntriz 応募、エントリー
Paris Olympics ˈpærɪs oʊˈlɪmpɪks パリオリンピック
Paralympics ˌpærəˈlɪmpɪks パラリンピック
MLB player ˌɛm ˌɛl ˈbiː ˈpleɪər メジャーリーグの選手
Ohtani Shohei ˈoʊˌtɑːni ˈʃoʊˌheɪ 大谷翔平
MVP ˌɛm ˌviː ˈpiː 最優秀選手(Most Valuable Player)
Sado Island ˈsɑːdoʊ ˈaɪlənd 佐渡島
gold mines ɡoʊld maɪnz 金鉱
World Heritage site ˈwɜːrld ˈhɛrɪtɪdʒ saɪt 世界遺産
political money scandal pəˈlɪtɪkəl ˈmʌni ˈskændl 政治資金スキャンダル
robberies ˈrɑːbəriz 強盗事件
shady part-time jobs ˈʃeɪdi ˈpɑːrtˌtaɪm dʒɑːbz 怪しいアルバイト
inflation ɪnˈfleɪʃən インフレーション
household finances ˈhaʊsˌhoʊld ˈfaɪˌnænsəz 家計


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