
Price hikes weigh on Japan’s New Year’s card custom

Post offices across Japan started accepting New Year’s greeting cards on Sunday and many people are now dropping them off. But the custom is threatened by online communication and higher card prices.

Japan Post says it has issued just over a billion cards so far. That’s a 25 percent decline from a year earlier and the lowest number since 2004, when comparable data became available.
The company raised the price of a regular 2025 New Year’s card by 35 percent to 85 yen, or 55 cents. It expects the hike to weigh on demand.
One customer said, “I send fewer greeting cards every year, but I keep in touch with my grandmother and my parents through this custom.”
Japan Post’s Sekiya Kaito said, “We will deliver our customers’ cards carefully so that they can welcome the new year with a fresh mind.”
Customers are asked to drop off their cards by December 25 to ensure delivery on New Year’s Day.

price hikes /praɪs haɪks/ 価格の高騰
weigh on /weɪ ɑːn/ 圧力をかける、影響を及ぼす
New Year’s card /nuː jɪrz kɑːrd/ 年賀状
custom /ˈkʌs.təm/ 慣習、風習
post offices /poʊst ˈɔː.fɪ.sɪz/ 郵便局
greeting cards /ˈɡriː.tɪŋ kɑːrdz/ 挨拶状
threatened /ˈθre.tənd/ 脅かされた
online communication /ˈɒn.laɪn kəˌmjuː.nɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ オンライン通信
higher card prices /ˈhaɪ.ər kɑːrd ˈpraɪ.sɪz/ カード価格の上昇
Japan Post /dʒəˈpæn poʊst/ 日本郵便
issued /ˈɪʃ.uːd/ 発行された
a billion cards /ə ˈbɪljən kɑːrdz/ 10億枚のカード
a 25 percent decline /ə ˌtwɛn.ti ˈfaɪv pərˈsɛnt dɪˈklaɪn/ 25%の減少
comparable data /ˈkɒm.pər.ə.bəl ˈdeɪ.tə/ 比較可能なデータ
raised the price /reɪzd ðə praɪs/ 価格を引き上げた
regular 2025 New Year’s card /ˈreɡ.jə.lər ˌtuː ˈtuː ˌfaɪv nuː jɪrz kɑːrd/ 2025年通常の年賀状
customer /ˈkʌs.tə.mər/ 顧客
sSend fewer /sɛnd ˈfjuː.ər/ より少ない枚数を送る
keep in touch /kiːp ɪn ˈtʌtʃ/ 連絡を取り続ける
grandmother /ˈɡrændˌmʌð.ər/ 祖母
parents /ˈper.ənts/ 両親
deliver carefully /dɪˈlɪv.ər ˈker.fəl.i/ 注意深く届ける
fresh mind /freʃ maɪnd/ 新鮮な気持ち
drop off /drɒp ˈɒf/ 投函する
December 25 /dɪˈsem.bər ˌtwɛn.ti ˈfaɪv/ 12月25日
ensure delivery /ɪnˈʃʊər dɪˈlɪv.ər.i/ 配達を確実にする
New Year’s Day /nuː jɪrz deɪ/ 元旦

日本郵便の関谷海人は、「お客さまが新鮮な気持ちで新年を迎えられるよう、丁寧にお届けします 」と語った。

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