Japanese town passes down tradition of making ‘shimenawa’ ropes for new year
People in a northeastern Japanese town were taught how to make traditional rice straw ropes called “shimenawa” in preparation for the new year.
More than 10 people, from elementary school age to those in their 70s, took part in a workshop in Minamisanriku Town, Miyagi Prefecture, on Sunday.
Two seniors in the town showed participants how to make two types of shimenawa ropes traditional to the area.
Using their palms, they rolled bundles of straw into a rope and made shimenawa decorations.
The ornaments will decorate house entrances as well as Shinto altars in the home.
A participant in her 20s said this was her first time making shimenawa, and that it was more difficult than she had thought. She said she hopes the ornament will bring happiness to her home in the new year.
They say that in Minamisanriku, the heads of the households would ritually purify themselves at the end of the year before making shimenawa.
One of the instructors, Yamauchi Sadayuki, said that he wants the workshop participants to hand down the tradition to future generations.
Japanese town /ˌdʒæp.əˈniːz taʊn/ 日本の町
tradition /trəˈdɪʃ.ən/ 伝統
shimenawa /ˌʃɪ.meɪˈnɑː.wə/ しめ縄(伝統的な稲わらの縄)
ropes /roʊps/ 縄
New year /nuː ˈjɪr/ 新年
Northeastern /ˌnɔːrˈθiːrn/ 北東の
rice straw /raɪs ˈstrɔː/ 稲わら
workshop /ˈwɜːrk.ʃɒp/ 作業場、ワークショップ
Miyagi Prefecture /miˈjɑː.ɡi ˈpref.ərtʃʊr/ 宮城県
seniors /ˈsiː.njərz/ 高齢者
participants /pɑːrˈtɪs.ɪ.pənts/ 参加者
rolled /roʊld/ 巻いた
bundles of straw /ˈbʌn.dəlz əv ˈstrɔː/ 稲わらの束
decorations /ˌdɛk.əˈreɪ.ʃənz/ 飾り
house entrances /haʊs ˈɛn.trənsɪz/ 家の入口
shinto altars /ˈʃɪn.toʊ ˈɔːl.tərz/ 神道の祭壇
participant /pɑːrˈtɪs.ɪ.pənt/ 参加者
first time /fɜːrst taɪm/ 初めて
bring happiness /brɪŋ ˈhæp.i.nəs/ 幸せをもたらす
heads of households /hɛdz əv ˈhaʊs.hoʊldz/ 世帯主
ritually purify /ˈrɪtʃ.u.ə.li ˈpjʊr.ɪ.faɪ/ 儀式的に清める
end of the year /ɛnd əv ðə ˈjɪr/ 年末
future generations /ˈfjuː.tʃər ˌdʒɛn.əˈreɪ.ʃənz/ 将来の世代