
Japan firm delays launch of Kairos rocket again

A Japanese venture firm has delayed the launch of a small rocket again due to wind. If the rocket successfully lifts off and places satellites into orbit, the company will become the country’s first private entity to achieve the feat on its own.

Space One put off the launch of the second Kairos rocket from a site in the town of Kushimoto in Wakayama Prefecture, western Japan, on Sunday. This is the second consecutive day of postponement.
Space One says the rocket has no problems. The firm says it will arrange with relevant organizations for a launch at 11 a.m. on Wednesday. It says it will announce a launch schedule on Monday.
The first Kairos rocket exploded right after liftoff in March.
The second unit is slated to carry five satellites, which will be detached at an altitude of roughly 500 kilometers for them to enter orbit.
Space One seeks to commercialize low-cost satellite deliveries amid rising global demand for such services. It is working to launch rockets 30 times annually in the 2030s.

Japan firm dʒəˈpæn fɜːrm 日本企業
delays dɪˈleɪz 遅らせる、延期する
launch lɔːnʧ 打ち上げ
Kairos rocket ˈkaɪrɒs ˈrɒkɪt カイロスロケット
due to wind djuː tə wɪnd 風のため
successfully səkˈsɛsfəli 成功裏に
lifts off lɪfts ɒf 離陸する、発射する
places satellites into orbit pleɪsɪz ˈsætəlaɪts ˈɪntu ˈɔːrbɪt 衛星を軌道に投入する
private entity ˈpraɪvɪt ˈɛntɪti 民間企業
achieve the feat əˈʧiːv ðə fiːt 偉業を達成する
Space One speɪs wʌn スペースワン(企業名)
put off pʊt ɒf 延期する
Kushimoto ˌkuːʃɪˈmoʊtoʊ 串本(和歌山県の地名)
Wakayama Prefecture ˌwɑːkəˈjɑːmə ˈpriːfɛkʧər 和歌山県
consecutive day kənˈsɛkjʊtɪv deɪ 連続した日
postponement poʊstˈpoʊnmənt 延期
relevant organizations ˈrɛləvənt ˌɔːrgənəˈzeɪʃənz 関連組織
announce əˈnaʊns 発表する
schedule ˈskɛʤʊl スケジュール
exploded ɪkˈsploʊdɪd 爆発した
liftoff ˈlɪftˌɔːf 離陸、打ち上げ
slated to ˈsleɪtɪd tə ~する予定である
detached dɪˈtæʧt 分離する
altitude ˈæltɪˌtuːd 高度
enter orbit ˈɛntər ˈɔːrbɪt 軌道に入る
commercialize kəˈmɜːrʃəˌlaɪz 商業化する
low-cost loʊ-kɔːst 低コストの
satellite deliveries ˈsætəlaɪt dɪˈlɪvəriz 衛星配送
rising global demand ˈraɪzɪŋ ˈɡloʊbəl dɪˈmænd 増加する世界的需要
launch rockets lɔːnʧ ˈrɒkɪts ロケットを打ち上げる
30 times annually ˈθɜːrti taɪmz ˈænjuəli 年間30回
2030s ˈtwɛntiˈθɜːrtiz 2030年代


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