
Heavy snow expected along Sea of Japan

Weather officials in Japan are forecasting heavy snow on Wednesday and Thursday, mainly in mountainous areas along the Sea of Japan.

The Meteorological Agency said a winter-type pressure pattern triggered snowfall on Tuesday in those areas in northern Japan.
In the 12 hours up to 6 p.m., 13 centimeters fell in Yurihonjo City in Akita Prefecture, 10 centimeters in Iwamizawa City in Hokkaido and 6 centimeters in Aomori City.
The agency expects that the system, along with a strong cold air mass, will bring heavy snowfall to mountainous areas near the Sea of Japan from northern to western Japan.
In the 24 hours up to early evening Wednesday, the agency forecasts as much as 50 centimeters in the Tohoku region, and 40 centimeters in Hokkaido and Niigata Prefecture.
Snow is also expected in low-lying areas along the Sea of Japan in the Chugoku region, western Japan, as well as areas on the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture, that were hit by the New Year’s Day earthquake nearly a year ago.
On Thursday, snow is possible on low-lying areas in the Kanto region in eastern Japan and in Kinki region in western Japan.
Weather officials are calling on people to check the latest weather information and to stay on the alert for disruptions to traffic and public transportation.

heavy snow /ˈhɛvi snoʊ/ 大雪
Sea of Japan /siː əv dʒəˈpæn/ 日本海
weather officials /ˈwɛðər əˈfɪʃəlz/ 気象当局
forecasting /ˈfɔːrkæstɪŋ/ 予報すること
mountainous areas /ˈmaʊntənəs ˈɛriəz/ 山間部
Meteorological Agency /ˌmiːtiərəˈlɒdʒɪkəl ˈeɪdʒənsi/ 気象庁
winter-type pressure pattern /ˈwɪntər taɪp ˈprɛʃər ˈpætərn/ 冬型の気圧配置
triggered /ˈtrɪɡərd/ 引き起こした
snowfall /ˈsnoʊˌfɔːl/ 降雪
northern Japan /ˈnɔːrðərn dʒəˈpæn/ 日本北部
strong cold air mass /strɔːŋ koʊld ɛr mæs/ 強い寒気
heavy snowfall /ˈhɛvi ˈsnoʊˌfɔːl/ 大量の降雪
early evening /ˈɜːrli ˈiːvnɪŋ/ 夕方早く
low-lying areas /loʊ-ˈlaɪɪŋ ˈɛriəz/ 低地
Noto Peninsula /ˈnoʊtoʊ pəˈnɪnsələ/ 能登半島
New Year’s Day earthquake /nuː ˈjɪrz deɪ ˈɜːrθkweɪk/ 元日の地震
Kanto region /ˈkɑːntoʊ ˈriːʤən/ 関東地方
Kinki region /ˈkɪŋki ˈriːʤən/ 近畿地方
stay on the alert /steɪ ɒn ði əˈlɜːrt/ 警戒を怠らない
disruptions /dɪsˈrʌpʃənz/ 混乱、支障
traffic /ˈtræfɪk/ 交通
public transportation /ˈpʌblɪk ˌtrænspərˈteɪʃən/ 公共交通


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