
Captain of plane in Haneda collision says he mistook controller instructions

A Japanese government investigation team says the captain of a Japan Coast Guard aircraft that fatally collided with a passenger jet at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport in January said that he had misinterpreted the air traffic controllers’ instructions.

The government’s Transport Safety Board released the finding in an interim report of its investigation into the accident that was issued on Wednesday.
In the collision occurred on January 2, a Coast Guard aircraft on a runway was hit by a Japan Airlines passenger plane that had just landed. Both aircraft burst into flames. Five of the six crewmembers of the Coast Guard plane died, and the captain, who was the only survivor, was seriously injured. All people onboard the JAL plane were evacuated, but a total of 17 passengers received medical treatment.
The report says that, before the collision, air traffic controllers instructed the Coast Guard aircraft to proceed to a place in front of the runway, and gave it the wording of “number one.” The phrase is used to notify cockpit crew of the order in which planes should take off.
The caption reportedly told the investigators that when he was informed of being “number one,” he thought he was instructed to enter the runway and wait, and that the Coast Guard aircraft would be the first to take off.
The report says that both the captain and the co-pilot had voiced the controllers’ instructions for confirmation and they mutually found no problems in their actions.
In addition, the report says that both the controller in charge and the JAL plane did not notice the movements of the Coast Guard aircraft. It says these three factors were combined, and resulted in the accident.
The report points out that the Coast Guard aircraft was apparently in a hurry to depart, considering when the crew members would return home after completing a mission. It also takes note that the cockpit crew were talking with those at their station in addition to the Haneda Airport controllers.
As for the air controllers, the report notes that one of them noticed on a screen that the Coast Guard aircraft seemed to have entered the runway and questioned the colleague who was in charge. But it says no steps were taken afterward due to their miscommunication.
The report says the JAL jetliner apparently did not notice the Coast Guard aircraft on the runway because its white anti-collision lights looked similar to the lights set up on the runway.

captain /ˈkæptən/ 機長、キャプテン
plane /pleɪn/ 飛行機
collision /kəˈlɪʒən/ 衝突
mistook /mɪsˈtʊk/ 間違えた
controller /kənˈtroʊlər/ 管制官
instructions /ɪnˈstrʌkʃənz/ 指示
investigation /ɪnˌvɛstɪˈɡeɪʃən/ 調査
team /tiːm/ チーム
Japan Coast Guard /ʤəˈpæn koʊst ɡɑːrd/ 海上保安庁
aircraft /ˈɛrˌkræft/ 航空機
fatally /ˈfeɪtəli/ 致命的に
collided /kəˈlaɪdɪd/ 衝突した
passenger jet /ˈpæsənʤər ʤɛt/ 旅客機
interim report /ˈɪntərɪm rɪˈpɔːrt/ 中間報告書
runway /ˈrʌnˌweɪ/ 滑走路
crewmembers /ˈkruːˌmɛmbərz/ 乗組員
evacuation /ɪˌvækjuˈeɪʃən/ 避難
treatment /ˈtriːtmənt/ 治療
phrase /freɪz/ フレーズ
take off /teɪk ɔːf/ 離陸
co-pilot /ˌkoʊˈpaɪlət/ 副操縦士
mutually /ˈmjuːtʃuəli/ 相互に
factors /ˈfæktərz/ 要因
resulted /rɪˈzʌltɪd/ 結果として生じた
mission /ˈmɪʃən/ 任務
miscommunication /ˌmɪskəˌmjunɪˈkeɪʃən/ 誤解
anti-collision lights /ˌænti kəˈlɪʒən laɪts/ 衝突防止灯
jetliner /ˈʤɛtˌlaɪnər/ ジェット旅客機
apparently /əˈpɛrəntli/ 明らかに、どうやら
combined /kəmˈbaɪnd/ 組み合わさった
questioning /ˈkwɛstʃənɪŋ/ 質問する
crew members /kruː ˈmɛmbərz/ 乗務員

報告書によると、衝突前、管制官は海上保安庁機に滑走路の手前の場所に進むよう指示し、「ナンバーワン 」という文言を与えたという。この言葉は、飛行機が離陸する順番をコックピットのクルーに知らせるために使われる。

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