
Palestinians in Bethlehem call for ceasefire on Christmas Eve

Groups of Palestinians called for a ceasefire in Gaza as early as possible on Christmas Eve in Bethlehem. The city in the Palestinian territory of the West Bank is said to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ.

Children marched through the streets of Bethlehem with signs reading “stop the massacre” in Gaza.
Hundreds of people including Palestinian Christians gathered at a square to greet Latin Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the top Roman Catholic cleric in the Holy Land, who had come to celebrate Mass.
He said this is the second year to have a sad Christmas.
He said he had just arrived the previous day from Gaza where he saw everything destroyed. But he added that he also saw life, and called on people not to give up.
Attacks by the Israeli military continued on Christmas Eve in Gaza. The conflict between Israel and Hamas has continued for over a year. Gaza’s local health authorities say 45,338 people have died.
The Health Ministry says more than 816 Palestinians have died across the West Bank and Jerusalem since October 7 last year in military operations by Israeli security forces.

Palestinians /ˌpæləˈstɪniənz/ パレスチナ人
Bethlehem /ˈbɛθlɪˌhɛm/ ベツレヘム
call for /kɔːl fɔːr/ 要求する、呼びかける
ceasefire /ˈsiːsˌfaɪər/ 停戦
Christmas Eve /ˈkrɪsməs ˌiːv/ クリスマスイブ
Gaza /ˈɡɑːzə/ ガザ
West Bank /wɛst bæŋk/ 西岸
birthplace /ˈbɜːrθˌpleɪs/ 生誕地
Jesus Christ /ˈʤiːzəs ˈkraɪst/ イエス・キリスト
march /mɑːrʧ/ 行進する
massacre /ˈmæsəkər/ 大虐殺
Palestinian Christians /ˌpæləˈstɪniən ˈkrɪʃənz/ パレスチナのキリスト教徒
square /skwɛər/ 広場
Latin Patriarch /ˈlætɪn ˈpeɪtriˌɑːrk/ ラテン総大司教
Pierbattista Pizzaballa /ˌpɪərbəˈtiːstə ˌpɪtsəˈbælə/ ピエルバッティスタ・ピッツァバッラ
Roman Catholic cleric /ˈroʊmən ˈkæθlɪk ˈklɛrɪk/ ローマカトリック聖職者
Holy Land /ˈhoʊli lænd/ 聖地
celebrate Mass /ˈsɛlɪˌbreɪt ˈmæs/ ミサを執り行う
attacks /əˈtæks/ 攻撃
Israeli military /ɪzˈreɪli ˈmɪləˌtɛri/ イスラエル軍
conflict /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ 紛争
Hamas /həˈmɑːs/ ハマス
health authorities /hɛlθ ɔːˈθɒrɪtiz/ 保健当局
Health Ministry /hɛlθ ˈmɪnɪstri/ 保健省
military operations /ˈmɪləˌtɛri ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənz/ 軍事作戦
security forces /sɪˈkjʊrɪti ˈfɔːrsɪz/ 治安部隊
Jerusalem /ʤəˈruːsələm/ エルサレム


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