
NHK obtains communication records of ‘shady part-time job’ fraud group

NHK has obtained communication records that show how a youth was instructed by a Japanese fraud group in a ‘shady part-time job’ case.

The group illicitly obtained a total of more than 6.7 million yen, or roughly 43,000 dollars, from elderly people in central Japan in July. The communications were made through the Signal messaging service.
The youth found the job on social media. He was arrested for collecting cash for the group and is facing charges.
The records contain communications between an instructor dubbed the “boss” and the youth. These exchanges continued for about a week.
The youth asked how much money he could take as a share and was told he could keep 70 thousand yen, or 440 dollars. When asked whether he could find anyone to introduce to a recruiter, he replied that he knew two people but they had already been arrested for robbery.
The group used a toilet at a commercial facility and other locations to collect the swindled cash. The money was handed under a door so the two people could not see each other.
The communications ended with “Good morning” and urging caution for the task of the day.
The youth was arrested when attempting to swindle money from an elderly person who had been defrauded before.
Police warn that anyone who collects money for a fraud group is like a “lizard tail,” meaning they are the only ones who will be brought to justice while other higher-ranking members evade prosecution.
The police are appealing to people who have mistakenly applied for shady jobs to contact them as soon as possible.

communication records /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən ˈrekərdz/ 通信記録
shady part-time job /ˈʃeɪdi ˌpɑːrtˈtaɪm dʒɑːb/ 怪しいアルバイト
fraud group /frɔːd ɡruːp/ 詐欺グループ
illicitly /ɪˈlɪsɪtli/ 不正に
Signal messaging service /ˈsɪɡnəl ˈmesɪdʒɪŋ ˈsɜːrvɪs/ シグナルメッセージサービス
social media /ˌsoʊʃl ˈmiːdiə/ ソーシャルメディア
arrested /əˈrɛstɪd/ 逮捕された
charges /ˈtʃɑːrdʒɪz/ 容疑、罪状
instructor /ɪnˈstrʌktər/ 指導者
boss /bɔːs/ ボス
share /ʃɛr/ 分け前
recruiter /rɪˈkruːtər/ 勧誘者、採用担当者
swindled /ˈswɪndld/ 騙し取られた
caution /ˈkɔːʃn/ 注意
elderly person /ˈɛldərli ˈpɜːrsn/ 高齢者
defrauded /dɪˈfrɔːdɪd/ 詐欺に遭った
lizard tail /ˈlɪzərd ˌteɪl/ トカゲのしっぽ(替え玉の意)
evade prosecution /ɪˈveɪd ˌprɑːsɪˈkjuːʃən/ 起訴を免れる
police /pəˈliːs/ 警察


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