
Israel eased rules of lethal engagement in Gaza, New York Times says

The New York Times says Israel eased the rules of engagement for its military when fighting began with Hamas last year, authorizing officers to risk killing up to 20 civilians.

The US newspaper cited Israeli military sources on Thursday about the order issued in October 2023 following a surprise attack by Hamas.
The report gave an example that the order enabled the military to target rank-and-file Hamas fighters as they were at home surrounded by relatives and neighbors.
It said Israeli strikes were rarely approved in previous conflicts with Hamas when officers concluded that 10 or more civilians may be killed.
The newspaper quoted a senior military officer as saying that the military leadership changed its rules of engagement because it believed that Israel faced an existential threat.
The report added that Israel began to tighten some of its rules of engagement from November 2023 amid a global outcry, but the rules ramain far more permissive than before the fighting started.
Health authorities in Gaza announced that the death toll from Israeli attacks has surpassed 45,000, including many women and children.

eased /iːzd/ 緩和された
rules of engagement /ruːlz əv ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/ 交戦規則
lethal /ˈliːθəl/ 致命的な
engagement /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/ 関与、交戦
authorizing /ˈɔːθəraɪzɪŋ/ 許可する
rank-and-file /ˌræŋk ən ˈfaɪl/ 一般の、下級の
surrounded /səˈraʊndɪd/ 囲まれた
existential threat /ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃl θrɛt/ 存在の脅威
global outcry /ˈɡloʊbl ˈaʊtkraɪ/ 世界的な抗議
permissive /pərˈmɪsɪv/ 寛容な、許容する
surpassed /sərˈpæst/ 超えた
rank-and-file Hamas fighters /ˌræŋk ən ˈfaɪl hɑːˈmɑːs ˈfaɪtərz/ ハマスの一般戦闘員
health authorities /hɛlθ əˈθɔːrətiz/ 保健当局
existential /ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃl/ 存在の
cited /ˈsaɪtɪd/ 引用された
death toll /ˈdɛθ toʊl/ 死亡者数


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