
Nihon Hidankyo officials leave for Norway to receive Nobel Peace Prize

Representatives of Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese organization of survivors of the 1945 atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, have left for Norway to receive this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

The group was awarded the prize in recognition of its efforts to realize a world without nuclear weapons and to demonstrate through witness testimony that nuclear arms must never be used again. The award ceremony will be held in Oslo, Norway, on Tuesday.

Mimaki Toshiyuki, a co-chair of the group, and Tanaka Satoshi, a board member, left the city of Hiroshima on Saturday.

Before departure, Mimaki told reporters that he feels a heavy responsibility about his trip to Oslo. He said he hopes to use the opportunity to make an appeal to the world on the significance of abolition of nuclear weapons and peace building, on behalf of the people who passed away in distress.

Mimaki is scheduled to take the stage to receive the honor during the award ceremony. He will also attend a banquet and other celebratory events.

Meanwhile, two high school students, Ohara Yuka and Tsuda Rin, left Nagasaki on Saturday to attend the award ceremony together with Nihon Hidankyo officials. The pair have been involved in a campaign to deliver a petition to the United Nations calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons as high school peace ambassadors.

Ohara said she would like to express her determination to pass on the thoughts of survivors of the bombings and continue to engage in the activities to oppose nuclear weapons.

The two girls are also expected to take part in discussions with local students and other events.

Nihon Hidankyo officials leave for Norway to receive Nobel Peace Prize

Representatives of Nihon Hidankyo, a Japanese organization of survivors of the 1945 atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, have left for Norway to receive this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

The group was awarded the prize in recognition of its efforts to realize a world without nuclear weapons and to demonstrate through witness testimony that nuclear arms must never be used again. The award ceremony will be held in Oslo, Norway, on Tuesday.

Mimaki Toshiyuki, a co-chair of the group, and Tanaka Satoshi, a board member, left the city of Hiroshima on Saturday.

Before departure, Mimaki told reporters that he feels a heavy responsibility about his trip to Oslo. He said he hopes to use the opportunity to make an appeal to the world on the significance of abolition of nuclear weapons and peace building, on behalf of the people who passed away in distress.

Mimaki is scheduled to take the stage to receive the honor during the award ceremony. He will also attend a banquet and other celebratory events.

Meanwhile, two high school students, Ohara Yuka and Tsuda Rin, left Nagasaki on Saturday to attend the award ceremony together with Nihon Hidankyo officials. The pair have been involved in a campaign to deliver a petition to the United Nations calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons as high school peace ambassadors.

Ohara said she would like to express her determination to pass on the thoughts of survivors of the bombings and continue to engage in the activities to oppose nuclear weapons.

The two girls are also expected to take part in discussions with local students and other events.

representative /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛntətɪv/ 代表者
Nihon Hidankyo /ˈniːˌhɒn ˌhiːˈdanˌkyoʊ/ 日本被団協(日本被爆者団体協議会)
survivor /sərˈvaɪvər/ 生存者
atomic bombing /əˈtɒmɪk ˈbɒmɪŋ/ 原爆
Hiroshima /hɪˈrɒʃɪmə/ 広島
Nagasaki /ˌnæɡəˈsæki/ 長崎
Nobel Peace Prize /ˈnoʊbɛl ˈpiːs ˌpraɪz/ ノーベル平和賞
recognition /ˌrɛkəɡˈnɪʃən/ 認識、評価
nuclear weapons /ˈnuːkliər ˈwɛpənz/ 核兵器
witness testimony /ˈwɪtnəs ˈtɛstɪˌmoʊni/ 証言
award ceremony /əˈwɔːrd ˈsɛrəˌmoʊni/ 授賞式
Oslo /ˈɒzloʊ/ オスロ(ノルウェーの首都)
co-chair /ˈkoʊˌʧɛr/ 共同議長
board member /ˈbɔːrd ˈmɛmbər/ 理事
responsibility /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪlɪti/ 責任
departure /dɪˈpɑːrʧər/ 出発
abolition /ˌæbəˈlɪʃən/ 廃止
peace building /ˈpiːs ˈbɪldɪŋ/ 平和構築
distress /dɪˈstrɛs/ 苦痛
honor /ˈɒnər/ 名誉
banquet /ˈbæŋkwɪt/ 宴会
celebratory /ˈsɛləˌbreɪtɔri/ 祝賀の
high school student /ˈhaɪ ˌskuːl ˈstuːdənt/ 高校生
campaign /kæmˈpeɪn/ 運動
petition /pəˈtɪʃən/ 嘆願書
elimination /ɪˌlɪməˈneɪʃən/ 排除、廃絶
peace ambassador /ˈpiːs æmˈbæsədər/ 平和大使
determination /dɪˌtɜːrmɪˈneɪʃən/ 決意
oppose /əˈpoʊz/ 反対する
discussion /dɪˈskʌʃən/ 議論
local /ˈloʊkəl/ 地元の
effort /ˈɛfərt/ 努力


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