Trump meets Macron, Zelenskyy in Paris in his 1st post-election overseas trip
US President-elect Donald Trump has met the French and Ukrainian presidents during his first overseas trip since the November presidential election.
Trump is visiting France to attend a ceremony to mark the reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral which was damaged by fire five years ago.
Ahead of the ceremony on Saturday, he met French President Emmanuel Macron at the presidential palace in Paris. Macron said that he is happy to again welcome Trump to Paris.
Trump said, “we had a lot of success, very great success working together, working on defense and it really seems that the world is going a little crazy right now and we will talk about that.”
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy later joined the talks, the details of which remain unknown. But the three are believed to have discussed prospects for the situation in Ukraine and other issues.
They appeared before reporters after the meeting, shaking hands and talking to each other.
Zelenskyy posted a comment on social media, that said he had a “good and productive trilateral meeting.”
He added, “President Trump is, as always, resolute.” “We agreed to continue working together and keep in contact. Peace through strength is possible.”
During the meeting, Zelenskyy is believed to have stressed the importance of a fair peace for Ukraine, reiterating the position that his country cannot accept a situation in which it will be forced to make unilateral concessions.
The focus is on what Trump had to say at the meeting ahead of his inauguration in January. The president-elect has vowed to bring about a negotiated end to the fighting in Ukraine.
Russia /ˈrʌʃə/ ロシア
Iran /ɪˈrɑːn/ イラン
Turkey /ˈtɜːrki/ トルコ
agree /əˈɡriː/ 同意する
urge /ɜːrdʒ/ 促す、呼びかける
dialogue /ˈdaɪəlɔːɡ/ 対話
Syrian /ˈsɪriən/ シリアの
government /ˈɡʌvərnmənt/ 政府
rebels /ˈrɛbəlz/ 反乱軍
foreign minister /ˈfɔːrən ˈmɪnɪstər/ 外務大臣
capital /ˈkæpɪtl/ 首都
Doha /ˈdoʊhɑː/ ドーハ(カタールの首都)
back /bæk/ 支援する
legitimate opposition /ləˈdʒɪtɪmət ˌɒpəˈzɪʃən/ 正統な反対勢力
conflict /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ 紛争
militant /ˈmɪlɪtənt/ 過激派、戦闘員
coexist /ˌkoʊɪɡˈzɪst/ 共存する
peacefully /ˈpiːsfəli/ 平和的に
distinct identities /dɪˈstɪŋkt aɪˈdɛntɪtiz/ 明確なアイデンティティ
legitimate Syrian authorities /ləˈdʒɪtɪmət ˈsɪriən ɔːˈθɒrɪtiz/ 正統なシリア当局
Lebanon /ˈlɛbənɒn/ レバノン
Ukraine /juˈkreɪn/ ウクライナ
southern gate /ˈsʌðərn ɡeɪt/ 南門
トランプは、「我々は多くの成功を収め、共に働き、防衛に取り組み、非常に大きな成功を収めた。」 「世界は今、本当に少しクレイジーになっているようだ。」 「我々はそれについて話すつもりだ 」と述べた。
ゼレンスキーはソーシャルメディアにコメントを投稿し、「良い、生産的な3者会談だった 」と述べた。
また、「トランプ大統領はいつものように毅然としている 」と付け加えた。「我々は協力し、連絡を取り続けることで合意した。力による平和は可能だ」