
Reviving livelihoods for quake-hit Noto residents a necessity
New Year’s cards delivered ahead of rush in temple area of Japan’s Okayama City

Postal workers in a western Japanese city delivered New Year’s greeting cards in a neighborhood near a famous temple on Tuesday, one day before crowds jam the area.

It is a time-honored tradition for people across Japan to visit temples or shrines during the New Year period to pray for good luck and happiness.
Saijo Inari Temple in Okayama draws about 600,000 such visitors on the first three days of January each year. Crowds tend to be particularly large on New Year’s Day.
Local postal workers started a custom 46 years ago to deliver greeting cards to some 120 shops and homes along an approach to the temple on December 31. The aim was to avoid the New Year crowds.
Roughly 1,500 cards were delivered on New Year’s Eve of 2024, down around 30 percent from last year. The drop is seen due to increased use of social media and higher postal fees.
Shop owners and staff in the neighborhood were busy preparing to welcome temple worshippers when they received cards.
A souvenir shop worker in her 80s said she feels the New Year has come one day earlier. She said she is glad as the arrival of the cards shows their senders are in good health.
A man in his 60s who co-owns another souvenir shop said he customarily reads cards and listens to a temple bell and that its tolls herald the advent of the New Year before a hectic day for business. He said he looks forward to getting cards every year.

New Year’s cards /ˌnuː ˈjɪrz ˌkɑːrdz/ 年賀状
delivered /dɪˈlɪvərd/ 配達された
ahead of rush /əˈhɛd əv rʌʃ/ 混雑の前に
temple area /ˈtɛmpl ˌɛriə/ 寺院周辺
Okayama City /ˌoʊkəˈjɑːmə ˈsɪti/ 岡山市
postal workers /ˈpoʊstl ˈwɜːrkərz/ 郵便配達員
New Year’s greeting cards /ˌnuː ˈjɪrz ˈɡriːtɪŋ ˌkɑːrdz/ 年賀状
neighborhood /ˈneɪbərˌhʊd/ 近隣地域
famous temple /ˈfeɪməs ˈtɛmpl/ 有名な寺院
time-honored tradition /ˌtaɪm ˈɑːnərd trəˈdɪʃən/ 伝統的な習慣
visit temples or shrines /ˈvɪzɪt ˈtɛmplz ɔːr ˈʃraɪnz/ 寺社を訪れる
New Year period /ˌnuː ˈjɪrz ˈpɪriəd/ 正月期間
pray for /preɪ fɔːr/ ~を祈る
good luck /ˌɡʊd ˈlʌk/ 幸運
happiness /ˈhæpinəs/ 幸せ
Saijo Inari Temple /ˈsaɪdʒoʊ ˈɪnəri ˈtɛmpl/ 最上稲荷神社
crowds /kraʊdz/ 群衆
New Year’s Eve /ˌnuː ˈjɪrz ˌiːv/ 大晦日
social media /ˈsoʊʃl ˈmiːdiə/ ソーシャルメディア
postal fees /ˈpoʊstl fiːz/ 郵便料金
shop owners /ˈʃɑːp ˈoʊnərz/ 店主
temple worshippers /ˈtɛmpl ˈwɜːrʃɪpərz/ 参拝者
souvenir shop /ˈsuːvənɪr ˌʃɑːp/ 土産物店
glad /ɡlæd/ 嬉しい
senders /ˈsɛndərz/ 送り主
in good health /ɪn ɡʊd ˈhɛlθ/ 健康である
temple bell /ˈtɛmpl ˌbɛl/ 寺の鐘
tolls herald /toʊlz ˈhɛrəld/ 鐘の音が知らせる
advent of the New Year /ˈædvənt əv ðə ˌnuː ˈjɪrz/ 新年の到来
hectic day /ˈhɛktɪk ˌdeɪ/ 忙しい日


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