Zelenskyy calls for resupply of Ukraine’s air defense systems
Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has continued his appeals to partners for support in order to keep the country’s air defense systems up and running.
Zelenskyy said in a social media post on Friday that Russian forces had attacked Ukraine with more than 300 drones and about 20 ballistic and other missiles in the first three days of the New Year.
He noted that Moscow’s terror is not losing its intensity, and stressed that his country needs to constantly replenish its stock of air defense missiles.
Ukraine’s air force says Russian launched 81 drones overnight through Saturday morning. It says it downed 34 of them and the rest were lost.
The Russian defense ministry said on Saturday that its troops had seized control of a settlement in the eastern Ukrainian region of Luhansk.
On Friday, ministry officials said Ukraine had fired US-supplied long-range missiles in the western Russian region of Belgorod, but all of them were shot down.
They added that the Western-supported action will not “go unanswered.”
resupply /ˌriːsəˈplaɪ/ 再補給
defense /dɪˈfɛns/ 防衛
appeal /əˈpiːl/ 訴え
partner /ˈpɑːrtnər/ 協力者
drone /droʊn/ ドローン
ballistic /bəˈlɪstɪk/ 弾道
intensity /ɪnˈtɛnsɪti/ 激しさ
replenish /rɪˈplɛnɪʃ/ 補充する
stock /stɑːk/ 備蓄
missile /ˈmɪsaɪl/ ミサイル
seize /siːz/ 奪取する
settlement /ˈsɛtlmənt/ 集落
region /ˈriːdʒən/ 地域
action /ˈækʃən/ 行動
unanswered /ʌnˈænsərd/ 未回答の
熟語/フレーズ 日本語の意味
calls for resupply 再補給を求める
air defense systems 防空システム
keep up and running 稼働状態を維持する
attacked Ukraine with more than 300 drones ウクライナを300機以上のドローンで攻撃
replenish its stock 備蓄を補充する
seized control of a settlement 集落を支配下に置いた
fired US-supplied long-range missiles 米国供給の長距離ミサイルを発射した
will not go unanswered 無回答では済まされない
彼らは、西側が支援した行動は 「無反応では済まない 」と付け加えた。