ラジオ英会話 24/10/15(火)L132 基本文型⑧目的語説明型-説明語句の自由

ラジオ英会話 24/10/15(火)L132 基本文型⑧目的語説明型-説明語句の自由
(The other day, I was on a crowded train and a thought suddenly occurred to me. If everyone just raised one hand and grabbed a strap or a pole instead of lowering their hands, the volume of the train would decrease and it would be a lot less crowded. thought maybe I should give it a try.)
(Hmmm…but if the teacher doesn’t get on, the train will be empty.)
That’s true, but I won’t be able to go anywhere.
Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
And I’m David Evans.

-L132 基本文型⑧目的語説明型-説明語句の自由
You saw me taking it home?
目的語説明型の 「説明語句」 には、説明型と同様にさまざまな表現が使えます。 説明語句の自由を味わってください。
ジェシカがピーコック教授を待っています。 タイムカプセルに興味津々なようですよ。
(Jessica is waiting for Professor Peacock. He seems very interested in the time capsule.)

-Words & Phrases
No worries. 心配はいりません。
keep – waiting
take it home
not – yet

Yeah yeah, it’s practice time. All right, so let’s go again with 目的語説明型. All right, we’ll have the 目的語 plus the 説明語句. The 説明語句 has lots of freedom, so 原形 is OK, ing形 is OK, to不定詞 is OK. Let’s practice them all.
Repeat after us guys.
me take it home
You saw me take it home?

OK, let’s continue.
you – playing video games
I can hear you playing video games!

OK, keep going.
him – to leave
I asked him to leave.

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