ラジオ英会話 24/11/19(火) by, near, nearby

ラジオ英会話 24/11/19(火) by, near, nearby

The words by, near, and nearby all relate to proximity, but they differ in usage, formality, and subtle nuances. Here’s a breakdown of the differences:

Word Meaning Usage Example Sentence
by Close to or beside something. Preposition. Typically indicates closeness or adjacency to something specific. “The book is by the window.”
near At a short distance from something. Preposition. Emphasizes relative proximity but doesn’t imply as close as “by.” “There is a park near my house.”
nearby Close in proximity, generally in the surrounding area. Adjective or adverb. Used to indicate a general area near something. “Is there a restaurant nearby?” (adverb)
Key Differences:
Formality and Precision:

By is often more specific and implies direct adjacency or a very short distance.
Near is less specific and can indicate closeness without being right next to the object.
Nearby is even more general, referring to proximity in the surrounding area.

By and near are prepositions and are followed by a noun or pronoun.
Example: “The chair is by the table.” / “He lives near the station.”
Nearby is used as an adjective or adverb and doesn’t require a preposition.
Example: “A nearby park” (adjective) / “He lives nearby.” (adverb).

Use by for something physically next to or beside something else.
Use near for something relatively close in general terms.
Use nearby when discussing a location in a vague or broader sense.
Quick Comparison:
By: Direct adjacency or association.
Near: Relative proximity (not necessarily adjacent).
Nearby: General closeness in the area.

by /baɪ/ ~のそばに、~の近くに
near /nɪr/ ~の近くに、~に接近して
nearby /ˌnɪrˈbaɪ/ 近くの、近くで
proximity /prɑːkˈsɪmɪti/ 近接、接近
usage /ˈjuːsɪdʒ/ 使用、使い方
formality /fɔːrˈmæləti/ 形式的、公式であること
subtle /ˈsʌtl/ 微妙な、繊細な
nuances /ˈnuːɑːnsɪz/ ニュアンス、微妙な違い
close to /kloʊs tə/ ~に近い
beside /bɪˈsaɪd/ ~のそばに
adjacency /əˈdʒeɪsənsi/ 隣接、近接
specific /spəˈsɪfɪk/ 特定の、具体的な
relative proximity /ˈrɛlətɪv ˌprɑːkˈsɪmɪti/ 相対的な近接
general area /ˈdʒɛnərəl ˈɛriə/ 一般的な地域、範囲
grammar /ˈɡræmər/ 文法
preposition /ˌprɛpəˈzɪʃən/ 前置詞
noun /naʊn/ 名詞
pronoun /ˈproʊˌnaʊn/ 代名詞
adjective /ˈædʒɪktɪv/ 形容詞
adverb /ˈædvɜːrb/ 副詞
physically /ˈfɪzɪkli/ 物理的に
adjacent /əˈdʒeɪsənt/ 隣接した
association /əˌsoʊsiˈeɪʃən/ 関連、結びつき
relative /ˈrɛlətɪv/ 相対的な
vague /veɪɡ/ 漠然とした
broader /ˈbrɔːdər/ より広い

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