ラジオ英会話 24/11/22金)L155 今週のReview
Hey everyone, Akiso Roza here. Let’s get into the review.
Good morning, everyone. I’m David Evans. That’s right. It’s review day.
-L155 今週のReview. Listening Challenge!
Okay, let’s review this week’s dialogues. Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.
Let’s start with Monday’s dialogue.
-Mon. L151
Okay guys, here’s the question.
Q1). Which of the following is true?
a). There are no benches in Hyde Park.
b). Megan thought Anton was angry.
Or, c). Anton agrees to call the commander by her first name.
Here we go.
-Say It in English
Okay, here’s the first situation. Imagine this.
1 ボーイフレンドと初めて食事に行くと、彼は接客係の人にたいへんぞんざいな言葉遣いで注文をします。 彼をたしなめてください。(You go out to dinner with your boyfriend for the first time, and he orders from the waiter in a very rude manner. You should correct him.)
接客係 server , 〜を続ける keep – up
Boyfriend: Are you gonna take our order or what?
You: ( )
2 誕生日を土曜日に控えた友人からパーティーに参加できるかどうかを尋ねられます。 応答してください。
(A friend whose birthday is coming up on Saturday asks if he can attend the party.)
読書感想文 book report
Friend: My birthday party’s on Saturday. Can you come?
You: ( )
Like me.
Sensei, are you gonna end the show or what?