ラジオ英会話 24/11/29(金)L160 今週のReview

ラジオ英会話 24/11/29(金)L160 今週のReview
Hey guys, welcome back, thanks for joining us. This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans. It’s time for Friday’s review, are you ready?
I am.
Me too. それでは、さっそく始めていきましょう。
L160 今週のReview
-Listening Challenge!
OK, let’s review this week’s dialogs.
Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.
Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.
Here is the question.
Q1). What went wrong during Seiichiro’s performance?
A: He coughed a few times.
B: The audience didn’t clap.
C: Someone in the audience was coughing.
Here we go.

-Say It in English
I was going to go to Cape Muroto, which one of my friends recommended to me. Actually, I decided to go to Cape Muroto, which one of my friends recommended. I have never been there. I hope to spend a relaxing time surrounded by breathtaking scenery.

Friend: Have you made any plans for your vacation yet?
You: ( ).

Yeah. Actually, I decided to go to Cape Muroto, which a friend of mine recommended. I’ve never been there. I hope to have a relaxing time surrounded by breathtaking scenery.

2 あなたは企業の重役です。 プロジェクトリーダーの推薦を求められました。フィオナを推薦してください。
(You are an executive at a company. You have been asked to recommend a project leader. Please recommend Fiona. )

「私はフィオナを推薦します。彼女のことは長年知っていますよ。 彼女は信頼ができ、すばらしいプロジェクトリーダーに間違いなくなります。 彼女がこのプロジェクトを成功させてくれることを、私は確信しています」

I would recommend Fiona. I have known her for many years. I have known her for many years and I have no doubt that she is trustworthy and a great project leader. I am confident that she will make this project a success.”

Hey guys, have you been to Cape Muroto?
No, never.

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