ラジオ英会話 24/12/20(金)L175今週のReview
Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. It’s Friday, you know that means.
And I’m David Evans. It’s review time, yeah!
L175 今週のReview.
Listening Challenge!
OK, let’s review this week’s dialogs.
Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.
Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.
OK guys, here is the question.
Q1). What is Jeannie’s wish?
A: To design a coat.
B: To talk to an Al.
C: To become human.
Here we go.
-Say It in English. 英語で声に出して表現しよう
Okay, here’s the first situation.
1 足摺岬に旅行に行ったあなた。 ホテルの屋上温泉で夕日を眺めています。東京にいるボーイフレンドに感動を伝えてください。 (You are on a trip to Cape Ashizuri. You are watching the sunset at the hotel’s rooftop spa. You tell your boyfriend in Tokyo how impressed you are)
(Hello! I am at a hotel in Cape Ashizuri. I just enjoyed the wonderful rooftop outdoor bath. The sunset is breathtaking. I have never seen anything like it. Wish you were here!)
All right. Let’s move on to the next situation.
2 友人から2年前に「ラジオ英会話」を聞くことをすすめられていたあなた。突然ロサンゼルス支店への転勤が決まります。 転勤するのかを尋ねる友人に英語を学ぶ決意をした旨を伝えてください。
(A friend recommended that you listen to “Radio English Conversation” two years ago. Suddenly, you decide to transfer to the Los Angeles branch. You tell your friend who asks if you are transferring that you are determined to learn English. )
(I’m going to start next year. I’m starting next year. If I had taken your advice and started listening to “Radio English Conversation” two years ago, I would have more confidence in my English by now. But it’s never too late to start! I’ll start tomorrow!)
Hey guys, it’s never too late to start learning English, right?