ラジオ英会話 24/12/27(金)L180今週のReview

ラジオ英会話 24/12/27(金)L180今週のReview
Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza. Well, it’s Friday’s review. We’re gonna have some fun.
Oh, you bet we are, Roza. That’s right, everyone. It’s time for Friday’s review. I’m David Evans.
L180 今週のReview. Listening Challenge!
Okay, let’s review this week’s dialogs.
Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.
Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.
OK guys, here is the question.
Q1). What did the woman do?
A: She helped Brendan read the letter.
B: She solved the mystery.
Or C: She found the device.
Here we go!

-Say It in English. 英語で声に出して表現しよう
1 ミーティングの時間になってもケンがやってきません。「ケンはどこ?」と尋ねる同僚に応答してください。
(It’s time for the meeting and Ken hasn’t shown up. You respond to your colleague asking, “Where’s Ken?”)

( He hasn’t come yet. Maybe something happened to him. Otherwise, he should be here by now. I’m worried. He’s never been late before. Why don’t you give him a call?” )

All right. Now let’s move on to the next situation.
2). 同僚と出張から帰ってきたあなた。 空港から駅に向かおうとしていると、夫が迎えに来ている同僚から、 「車で送ってあげるよ」と声をかけられます。とてもありがたい申し出。 応答してください。
(You have just returned from a business trip with a colleague. As you are heading to the train station from the airport, your colleague, whose husband is picking you up, offers to give you a ride. It is a very kind offer.)
(Oh, that’s wonderful. My wife is sick and I can’t come pick her up.
I was going to take the train. I was going to take the train. I’m in your debt.” )

Hey, Roza. David hasn’t arrived yet. I’m worried.
Don’t worry. He’s always late. We don’t have to give him a call.

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