ラジオ英会話 23/12/28(木) L179 発言タイプ: これから⑩相手の都合を尋ねる

ラジオ英会話 23/12/28(木) L179 発言タイプ: これから⑩相手の都合を尋ねる
(Yesterday, I happened to leave the house at the same time as my son, and the tone of his voice when he said “Have a nice day.” and mine when I said “Have a nice day.” were completely different. Well, that’s the way life is, you know..)
Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.

And I’m David Evans. You are always welcome here, Sensei.
Oh, thank you so much.

発言タイプ: これから⑩相手の都合を尋ねる
Would you be free to join us?
「これから」 を伝える際に付き物の言い回しです。
(Rosa and David are looking back on this year.)

-Words & Phrases
be dying to -. ~したくてたまらない
lined up 列を成している
I have nothing lined up. 何も決まっていない。

OK everyone. It’ time to practice. Today, I want you to close your eyes and focus on the rhythm of these sentences. You should be able to feel a softness from them, from the rhythm and the tone.
OK, here is our first.
Would you have time to -?
Could you spare some time for me?
Have you got time to spare?
Let’s try a different version.
Have you got a minute to spare?


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