ラジオ英会話 24/6/19(水) L53 基本文型 授与を表すそのほかの形

ラジオ英会話 24/6/19(水) L53 基本文型 授与を表すそのほかの形
(It’s been two and a half months since April, and some of you who started learning in April may be feeling a bit stuck. For those of you who started learning in April, I know some of you may be feeling a little sluggish. Try learning with an awareness of what you want to do with English. You will be motivated to learn again.)
Hey everyone. Akino Roza here.
And I’m David Evans. That’s right. It’s important to have a goal in sight and in mind.
L53 基本文型,授与を表すそのほかの形
My grandmother gave it to me when I was in England.
今回は、 授与型以外の形で 「授与」 を表す方法を学びましょう。

ロキシーと友人のマサルが、カフェで話をしています。 マサルがロキシーの腕時計について尋ねているようです。
(Roxy and her friend Masaru are talking at a cafe. Masaru seems to be asking about Roxy’s watch.)

-Words & Phrases
miss ~を恋しく思う
lovely (主にイギリス英語で) すてきな、愉快な、すばらしい

OK everyone, today’s target forms use “to” and “for” to emphasize the recipient, 受け手ね. However you don’t need to stress “to” or “for” in these sentences. Actually we weaken them in most cases, you’ll see as we practice, OK?

So David, your students made a collage for you, good for you.
Hey, thanks, it really warmed my heart, seeing all these pictures of us,


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