ラジオ英会話 24/6/21(金) L55今週のReview

ラジオ英会話 24/6/21(金) L55今週のReview
Hey everyone. Welcome to Friday’s lesson. This is Akino Roza.
That’s right everyone. It’s Friday, it’s time for the review. I’m David Evans.
-L55 今週のReview
Listening Challenge!
OK, let’s review this week’s dialogs.
Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.
Let’s start with Monday’s dialog.
Here is the question. Q1). Which of the following is true?
a). Helen looks good in her dress.
b). Gary’s parents bought him a phone.
c). Gary’s tie is from a well known brand.
Here we go.

-Say It in English
1). 昨日が誕生日だったあなた。友人に誕生日パーティーの感想を聞かれました。 応答してください。
(Yesterday was your birthday. A friend asked you what you thought of your birthday party. Response. )

「ひとつの点を除いて楽しかったわ。私のボーイフレンドが花をくれたんだけど、 それほど感動はしなかったの。私は『ラジオ英会話』 のテキストみたいな、もっとわくわくするものを期待していたんだけどなぁ」
一点を除いて except for one thing
Friend: How was your birthday party?
You: ( ).

I had a great time except for one thing. My boyfriend gave me flowers, but it didn’t impress me so much. I was expecting something more exciting like a Rajio Eikaiwa textbook.

gave me flowers 授与型(L51)、 impress 「~に感動・よい印象を与える」
not so much 「それほど~ない」
something の説明が more exciting 以下。

(I had a great time except for one thing. My boyfriend gave me flowers, but I wasn’t that impressed. I was hoping for something more exciting, like a “Radio English” text.)

Hey guys, giving flowers is a cliche, at the moment, right?
Oh gosh, I hope not, I give my wife flowers all the time.
I wouldn’t say it’s a cliche but it definitely depends the person if they like receiving flowers or not.
cliche [kliːʃéi] 、ありきたりのもの、月並みなもの。私は、なんでももらえるんだったら、歓迎ですよ。というわけで今日はこの辺で。


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