ラジオ英会話 24/6/27(木) L59 基本文型 目的語說明型- to 不定詞②

ラジオ英会話 24/6/27(木) L59 基本文型 目的語說明型- to 不定詞②
(Well everyone, tomorrow’s lesson is the last one for June. You have all worked very hard so far. It is important to continue learning a language, especially as a beginner, until you have a certain level of proficiency in the language. We look forward to working with you in the future.)
Hey everyone. This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans. ようし、がんばるぞ。
-L59 基本文型 目的語說明型- to 不定詞②
I want Mom to relax today.
ロキシーと父親がキッチンで話しています。 夕食を作って母親を驚かせるつもりのようですね!
(Roxy and her father are talking in the kitchen. It looks like they are going to surprise their mother by cooking dinner!)

-Words & Phrases
croquette コロッケ
peel 皮をむく
chop up 切り刻む
au contraire (フランス語) とんでもない、まったく逆で (= on the contrary)

Hey, David. Do you use this phrase often?
I mean, personally I do, when I can. It sounds sophisticated.

All right everyone. Again today, with our practice, we’ll have, ah, 目的語 and to-infinitive. So, the ‘to’ is an arrow pointing the object in the direction of an action. All right, let’s master it together.
Repeat after us.
you – to listen
I need you to listen.


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