ラジオ英会話 24/6/3(月) L41説明型─過去分詞を説明語句に

ラジオ英会話 24/6/3(月) L41説明型─過去分詞を説明語句に
(Dr. Stein and his android Jeannie at home. Dr. Stein seems to be recovering from his injuries. Good, good.)

-Words & Phrases
oil painting 油絵
Amazing! すばらしい! / すごい!
how 名詞

One more time.
This photo was taken by my father.
All right. Good work!
Let’s keep it up.
Covered with snow… covered with snow
The roof was covered with snow.
The roof was covered with snow.

Keep going.
Seen by anyone… seen by anyone.
We weren’t seen by anyone.
We weren’t seen by anyone.

Unlock your potential.
Repetition is the key.
Great work.

Wow! What a beautiful photo of me! But this photo taken by?
Oh, by me.
Oh, and retouched by?
もともといい写真じゃなかったんだ。(This wasn’t a good photo to begin with.)


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