ラジオ英会話 24/6/7(金) L45今週のReview

ラジオ英会話 24/6/7(金) L45今週のReview
Hey everyone. It’s Friday, you know that means it’s time to review. This is Akino Roza.
And I’m David Evans. That’s right, folks, it’s review time. Let’s get ready.

-Listening Challenge!
OK, let’s review this week’s dialogues.
Listen to the questions and pick which one of the three options is the correct answer.
Let’s start with Monday’s dialogue.
Here is the question. Q1). What did Jeannie give to Dr. Stein?
a). Some oil paints.
b). A portrait of Dr. Stein.
c). A painting by Bob.
Here we go.

-Say It in English
Here’s the first situation, imagine this.
-明日出張のあなた。 早朝のフライトに乗らなくてはなりません。友人に電話をかけ、空港まで送ってくれるよう頼んでください。
(You are going on a business trip tomorrow. You have an early morning flight to catch. You call a friend and ask her to drive you to the airport.)

-あなたの誕生日が近づいています。 「パーティーをとても楽しみにしているよ」と言う友人に、心配事を打ち明けてください。
(our birthday is coming up. You share your concerns with a friend who says, “I’m really looking forward to the party.”)

Hey guys, if you had to catch a very early fright, what would you do to get there?
Oh, like uh 5 a.m., 6 a.m. flights?
Yes, that’s right.
I just stay at an airport hotel.


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