英会話 time trial 24/2/21(水)D13気がかりなことが1つあります

英会話 time trial 24/2/21(水)D13気がかりなことが1つあります
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and you’ll improve.
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Eikaiwa Time Trial.

Let’s get started with Day 13 for the month of February.
Thanks for joining us.
Today we practice phrases to communicate a problem.
These phrases are useful to build good relationships at the office.
That’s right.
(Learn expressions that softly convey issues in a way that does not hurt the other party.9
Let’s begin with our first time trial.

Climb the Ladder in India
Shun Patsu Ryoku
Day 13 SPR Training

I’ll say something in Japanese, and you’ll express it in English.
Here is the first one.

1. 気がかりなことが1つあります。 Go ahead.
There’s one concern. Let’s make a longer sentence to try to say this.
2. リモートワークについて気がかりなことが1つあります。 Go ahead.
Let’s check a vocabulary word. How do you say ‘販売戦略’ in English?
The answer is ‘sales strategy’.
戦略 is strategy. OK. Use sales strategy to make this sentence.
Let’s check a vocabulary word. How do you say ‘弁護士’ in English?
The answer is lawyer. attorneyもありますが、 Let’s use lawyer to make this sentence.


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