英会話 time trial 24/2/23(金)-Special Touch-D15とうとう社長に就任!

英会話 time trial 24/2/23(金)-Special Touch-D15とうとう社長に就任!
-Special Touch
「実践重視」 の英会話トレーニング

(In reality, you won’t become president in a flash like you did this time, but don’t think too much about it.
The important thing is to have practical English speaking experience and accumulate that experience, which will give you the ability to respond flexibly to any conversation in English. It is nonsense to memorize conversational expressions for different situations and then say them out loud in each situation. We cannot respond to sudden English conversations. Please try to keep in mind that you can use your own English to connect conversations in any situation.
Next month, the stage will move to the Philippines. I’m sure some people will say that they’ve finally graduated from a passive learning style over the past year. I will support you until the end.)

(In reality, you will not become president as quickly as this time, but please do not think too much about it.
What is important is to accumulate practical English speaking experience and to develop the ability to respond flexibly in English to any conversation. It is nonsense to memorize conversational expressions for each situation and then repeat them aloud as you have memorized them. You will not be able to respond to sudden conversations in English. Please be aware of your own way of making conversation in English in any situation and try to work on it.
Next month, the stage will shift to the Philippines. Some of you will finally graduate from the passive style of learning during this year. We will support them until the end.)

-Navigator’s Comment
Being a public servant and working at an MNC is a big dream for many young Indians. Before coming to Japan,
I used to work at an MNC too.
(公務員になることや多国籍企業で働くことは、多くのインドの若者たちにとって大きな夢です。 日本に来る前、私も多国籍企業で働いていました。)


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