英会話 time trial 24/6/18(火) D12 何を見たいの?

英会話 time trial 24/6/18(火) D12 何を見たいの?
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day12 for the month of June.
Hi, everyone.
Thanks for joining us.
OK, it’s time for your first try.
(What do you want to see?
Use the language as if you were talking to a child.)

Here is the first one.

1. 公園に行きたい?
You wanna go to the park?
Do you want to -?
4. 何を見たいの?
What do you -?
5. 〜して欲しいですか? How do you say that in English?
Do you want me to -?
You want me to -?
6). 〜したいよね。
We wanna -.
We want to -.
7). 支度する。
How do you say that in English?
get ready, prepare よりも get ready を使います。
8). ほかの人に迷惑をかける。How do you say that in English?
disturb other people

OK, how was your first round? Did you try to say each one?
OK. Now you can check your answers with mine. Listen closely.


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