英会話 time trial 24/7/2(火) D2どこでタクシーを捕まえられるかご存じですか ?

英会話 time trial 24/7/2(火) D2どこでタクシーを捕まえられるかご存じですか ?
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Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with Day2 for the month of July.
Hi, everyone.
Thanks for joining us.

Welcome back.
Day1に引き続き、唐突にならない質問のコツ、 Do you know -? を使って文を作りましょう。
Do you know what time -?
Do you know where -?

OK, it’s time for your
first try.

2. バスが何時に出発するか分かりますか?
Do you know what time -?
3). 市場
How do you say 市場 in English?
The answer is ‘market’.

OK, how was your first round? Did you try to say each one?
OK. Now you can check your answers with mine. Listen closely.

出発する in English is ‘leave’ or ‘depart’. 会話でよく使うのは leave
8. どこでタクシーを捕まえられるかご存じですか?
9. どこでコンサートのチケットを買えるかご存じですか?
Do you know where I can get ( ) like that?

Okay. Time’s up. Well, how was your second try? These sentences starting with ‘Do you know -?’ are really useful, especially when you’re visiting somewhere. You might have a lot of questions when you travel to a new place.
That’s right.


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