英会話 time trial 24/7/5(金) D5 タヒチの市場をぶらぶらしよう

英会話 time trial 24/7/5(金) D5 タヒチの市場をぶらぶらしよう
Around the world
we’re on the move.
Speak up every week,
and you’ll improve.
You can talk to me.
We can laugh and smile.
Eikaiwa Time Trial

Let’s get started with day 5 for the month of July.
Hi, everyone. I’m Steve Soresi. Let’s go to Tahiti.
Hi, everyone. I’m Catherine Lealand. Try to complete a conversation with me today in your own words.
Welcome back to Eikaiwa Time Trial, Catherine. We’re going to Tahiti.
I’m excited.
When a person from New Zealand, hears the word, Tahiti. What do they imagine?
I think the Tahitian dance.
Of course, that is so popular, not only in Tahiti, but also in Hawaii and around the Pacific.
Here we go.
-Around the Pacific!
Let’s have a conversation in Tahiti.
Imagine this. You’ve arrived in Tahiti, and you go to a market.
The pineapples are in season, so fresh, so sweet and juicy. So go to a fresh fruit stand at the market.
You want to taste fresh pineapple from Tahiti. So order a pineapple smoothie.
And then someone sees your drink and asks, do you know where I can get a smoothie like that?
Did you imagine the situation?
So try to have a seven-turn conversation at a market in Tahiti. Ready, start.


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