英会話 time trial 25/1/7(火)D2 This is a first for me
This is a first for me. and This is my first time.
Both sentences convey the idea of experiencing something for the first time, but they differ in nuance, context, and tone:
1. “This is a first for me.”
Tone and Context: This is more casual and conversational. It emphasizes that the experience is novel or unique in some way.
Nuance: The phrase implies that the speaker is acknowledging something unusual or noteworthy about the situation. It often conveys a sense of surprise or unfamiliarity.
Usage: This phrase can be used for a wide range of experiences, including things that might not involve physical actions or events (e.g., “This is a first for me—I’ve never seen snow in June before!”).
Flexibility: It may imply a one-time or rare event.
トーンと文脈: よりカジュアルで会話的。その経験が斬新でユニークなものであることを強調している。
ニュアンス: このフレーズは、話し手がその状況について何か珍しいことや注目すべきことを認めていることを暗示します。驚きや不慣れな感じを伝えることが多い。
使い方: このフレーズは、物理的な動作や出来事を伴わないようなことも含め、さまざまな経験に使うことができます(例:「6月に雪を見るのは初めてです!」)。
柔軟性: 一度だけ、または稀な出来事を意味することもある。
2. “This is my first time.”
Tone and Context: This is straightforward and direct. It emphasizes the fact that the speaker is engaging in or encountering something for the very first time.
Nuance: It is often used when talking about a specific activity, event, or situation (e.g., “This is my first time skiing” or “This is my first time visiting this city”).
Usage: It focuses on marking a significant or clear starting point for a new experience.
ニュアンス: 特定の活動や出来事、状況について話すときによく使われます
使い方: 新しい経験の重要な、あるいは明確な出発点を示すことに重点を置く。
Comparison and Examples:
“This is a first for me.” “This is my first time.”
Implies something novel but not necessarily tied to a specific activity. Explicitly marks the start of a new activity or experience.
“Wow, speaking in public is a first for me!” “This is my first time giving a public speech.”
Slightly more informal and expressive. Straightforward and precise.
Key Difference:
Use “This is a first for me” when highlighting the novelty of the situation in a more general or casual way.
Use “This is my first time” when directly stating your inexperience with a specific activity or event.
より一般的またはカジュアルな表現で、状況の新しさを強調する場合は 「This is a first for me」 を使う。
具体的な活動や出来事について、自分の経験の浅さを直接的に述べる場合には、「This is my first time 」を使います。
time /taɪm/ 時間、時、回
please /pliːz/ どうか、お願いします
tell /tɛl/ 教える、伝える
difference /ˈdɪfərəns/ 違い、差異
between /bɪˈtwiːn/ ~の間に
both /boʊθ/ 両方の
sentences /ˈsɛntənsɪz/ 文
convey /kənˈveɪ/ 伝える
experiencing /ɪkˈspɪəriənsɪŋ/ 経験する
differ /ˈdɪfər/ 異なる
nuance /ˈnuːɑːns/ 微妙な違い
context /ˈkɑːntɛkst/ 文脈、状況
tone /toʊn/ 口調、トーン
casual /ˈkæʒuəl/ 砕けた、カジュアルな
conversational /ˌkɑːnvərˈseɪʃənəl/ 会話的な
emphasizes /ˈɛmfəsaɪzɪz/ 強調する
novel /ˈnɑːvəl/ 斬新な、新しい
unique /juːˈniːk/ 独特の
surprising /sərˈpraɪzɪŋ/ 驚くべき
unfamiliarity /ˌʌnfəmɪlˈjærɪti/ 馴染みのなさ
visiting /ˈvɪzɪtɪŋ/ 訪れること