BBC Learning English-💻 Technology: Phrasal verbs with Georgie
Hello, I’m Georgie and this BBC Learning English video is all about phrasal verbs for technology. So, switch on your brains and let’s get into it.
I need to set up an online bank account. I turn on my laptop and log in with my password. I go to the bank website and click , sign up. I scroll through the terms and conditions to make sure I understand what I’m signing up for. After I’ve set up the account, I sign out, close my laptop and go and sit on the sofa. I switch on the TV but it’s not loud enough so I turn it up. Great!
Let’s look at those verbs in a bit more detail. ‘Log in’ and ‘sign in’ are synonyms. They mean to enter your username and password to access a computer system.
I need to log in but I can’t remember my password.
The opposites are log out and sign out to exit or end your computer session. After checking my bank balance I signed out. So no one could access my information. Sign up means register or create an account for a service or website.
I need to stop signing up to so many marketing emails. My inbox is full of them.
Scroll through something is this action. We move through information or images on a screen with a dragging or a swiping motion.
I’m sleeping really badly at the moment. I think I need to stop scrolling through social media before bed.
Turn something on and switch something on are also synonyms. They mean to give power to or activate a device or system. They can be separated so you can say, I turned the TV on or I turned on the TV. The opposites are turn something off and switch something off to stop the power of a device or system.
Remember to turn off the lights when you leave a room to save energy.
Turn something up means to increase the volume or intensity. Turn something down is the opposite, to decrease the volume or intensity.
I usually turn down the brightness of my screens a few hours before bed. It’s better for your eyes.
Finally, set something up means to start or prepare a device so that you can use it. I just got a new phone, but I need to set it up before I can use it.
Remember, don’t freak out and stop scrolling through social media. Instead, work on your phrasal verbs with the free worksheet on the website. See you next time.
phrasal verb ˈfreɪzəl vɜrb 句動詞
switch on swɪʧ ɑn 電源を入れる
set up sɛt ʌp 設定する、準備する
turn on tɜrn ɑn (電源を)入れる
log in lɔg ɪn ログインする
password ˈpæsˌwɜrd パスワード
sign up saɪn ʌp 登録する
scroll through skroʊl θru スクロールする
sign out saɪn aʊt サインアウトする
close kloʊz 閉じる
sofa ˈsoʊfə ソファー
turn up tɜrn ʌp 音量を上げる
detail ˈdiːteɪl 詳細
synonym ˈsɪnənɪm 同義語
opposite ˈɑpəzɪt 反対
marketing email ˈmɑrkɪtɪŋ ˈiːˌmeɪl マーケティングメール
brightness ˈbraɪtnəs 明るさ
decrease dɪˈkris 減少させる
intensity ɪnˈtɛnsɪti 強度
freak out frik aʊt パニックになる、驚く
worksheet ˈwɜrkˌʃit ワークシート
website ˈwɛbˌsaɪt ウェブサイト
Phrasal verbs mentioned
log/sign in
enter your username and password to access a computer system
I can’t log in because I’m struggling to remember my password!
log/sign out
to exit or end your computer session
Remember to log out of your online banking after use so no one else can access your details.
sign up
register or create an account for a service or website
If you want to be the first to hear about concert tickets, sign up to the mailing list.
scroll through
move through information or images on a screen with a dragging or swiping motion
I want to read more books, but first I need to break the habit of scrolling through social media whenever I’m bored.
turn/switch (something) on
give power to, or activate a device or system
I was bored, so I turned the TV on and started watching.
turn/switch (something) off
stop the power of a device or system
Remember to turn off your computer before you leave the office.
turn (something) up
increase the volume or intensity of something
I can’t hear the TV – can you turn it up?
turn (something) down
decrease the volume or intensity of something
The party next door is so noisy. Shall we ask them to turn the music down?
set (something) up
start or prepare a programme or device so that you can use it
My grandparents have finally got wi-fi, but I need to help them set it up.