BBC Learning English-Prepositions for transport: Prepositions with Georgie
Why do we say “in the car”, but “on the bus”? I have a trick to help you remember. This is Prepositions with Georgie from BBC Learning English. I’m Georgie and in this video we’re looking at prepositions for transport. Let’s get on the learning train. Choo-choo!
My trick to remember these is to think about how you enter the vehicle. If you enter like this, standing on your feet, we use on. That’s why we get on a bus, on a train, on a tram, on a plane, and on a boat. The space is big so we can stand on it.
The opposite is off, so we get on the bus and then we get off the bus.
If you enter like this and immediately have to sit down because the space is so small, we use in. That’s why we say we are in a car, in a taxi, in a van, in a truck or lorry and in a helicopter. The opposite is out. So we get in the car, we go somewhere and then we get out or out of the car.
What about a bike? We aren’t standing on the bike. or getting inside a small space. So which is it? We are on the bike because we are sitting on the bike, like we sit on a chair. We use at when we talk about the places we find these types of transport. I am at the airport, at the train station, at the taxi rank. Don’t forget to check out the website below and download the worksheet to help you practice. See you next time.
on /ɒn/ ~の上に、~に乗って
in /ɪn/ ~の中に
trick /trɪk/ コツ、工夫
remember /rɪˈmɛmbər/ 覚える
prepositions /ˌprɛpəˈzɪʃənz/ 前置詞
transport /ˈtrænspɔːrt/ 輸送、交通手段
learning train /ˈlɜːrnɪŋ treɪn/ 学習列車(比喩的表現)
standing /ˈstændɪŋ/ 立っている
feet /fiːt/ 足
tram /træm/ 路面電車
plane /pleɪn/ 飛行機
boat /boʊt/ ボート
off /ɒf/ ~から離れて
get off /ɡɛt ɒf/ ~から降りる
taxi /ˈtæksi/ タクシー
van /væn/ バン、小型トラック
truck /trʌk/ トラック
lorry /ˈlɔːri/ トラック(英国英語)
helicopter /ˈhɛlɪkɒptər/ ヘリコプター
out /aʊt/ 外へ
bike /baɪk/ 自転車
chair /tʃɛr/ 椅子
at /æt/ ~で、~に
airport /ˈɛrˌpɔːrt/ 空港
train station /treɪn ˈsteɪʃən/ 鉄道駅
taxi rank /ˈtæksi ræŋk/ タクシー乗り場
download /ˈdaʊnˌloʊd/ ダウンロードする
worksheet /ˈwɜːrkʃiːt/ ワークシート
practice /ˈpræktɪs/ 練習
check out /tʃɛk aʊt/ 確認する
see you next time /siː juː nɛkst taɪm/ また次回お会いしましょう