英字新聞 Glass ceiling remains rock solid in Japanese politics. What can be done? Glass ceiling remains rock solid in Japanese politics. What can be done?日本の政治はガラスの天井。どうすればいいのか?TOKYO -- Japan has made a... 2025.01.03 英字新聞
英字新聞 Kyoto man who sought no late-night work for child care sues employer over demotion Kyoto man who sought no late-night work for child care sues employer over demotion育児のため深夜業禁止を求めた京都の男性、降格をめぐり勤務先を提訴KYOTO ... 2025.01.03 英字新聞
英字新聞 Half of power harassment victims in Japan reluctantly accept it: survey Half of power harassment victims in Japan reluctantly accept it: surveyパワハラ被害、半数が「不本意ながら受け入れている」:調査結果TOKYO -- Two out of... 2025.01.03 英字新聞
英字新聞 News Navigator: What is ‘customer harassment’ and how is Japan dealing with it? News Navigator: What is 'customer harassment' and how is Japan dealing with it?ニュースナビゲーター カスタマー・ハラスメント」とは何か?The Mainichi... 2025.01.03 英字新聞
英字新聞 ‘I want to kiss you’: Sexual harassment of female entrepreneurs rife in Japan 'I want to kiss you': Sexual harassment of female entrepreneurs rife in Japan「キスしたい」: 日本で多発する女性起業家へのセクハラTOKYO -- It was ... 2025.01.03 英字新聞
英字新聞 East Japan police thank 4 boys for saving woman from harassment by stranger East Japan police thank 4 boys for saving woman from harassment by stranger東日本警察、見知らぬ男から嫌がらせを受けた女性を助けた少年4人に感謝状SODEGAURA,... 2025.01.03 英字新聞
英字新聞 Sighing at workplace seen as ‘mood harassment’; Japan psychiatrist offers tips Sighing at workplace seen as 'mood harassment'; Japan psychiatrist offers tips職場でのため息は「ムード・ハラスメント」。TOKYO -- Work got you... 2025.01.03 英字新聞
英字新聞 ‘Patient harassment’ becoming major issue at Japan hospitals 'Patient harassment' becoming major issue at Japan hospitalsFUKUOKA -- At medical institutions across Japan, "patient ha... 2025.01.03 英字新聞
英字新聞 ‘Odor harassment’ lowers job morale in Japan; some tips for workers, companies 'Odor harassment' lowers job morale in Japan; some tips for workers, companiesニオイ・ハラスメント」が仕事の士気を下げる日本。TOKYO -- As the we... 2025.01.03 英字新聞
英字新聞 2024 Rewind: That’s harassment! 2024 巻き戻し:それは嫌がらせだ 2024 Rewind: That's harassment! 2024 巻き戻し:それは嫌がらせだJanuary 3, 2025 (Mainichi Japan)2025年1月3日(毎日新聞)In Japan, power and sex... 2025.01.03 英字新聞
英字新聞 Japan’s same surname law could be ruled unconstitutional: ex-Supreme Court justice Japan's same surname law could be ruled unconstitutional: ex-Supreme Court justice元最高裁判事・櫻井龍子氏が講演 「夫婦同姓は違憲の可能性TOKYO -- J... 2025.01.02 英字新聞
英字新聞 In rare move, Japan’s top business lobby urges gov’t to introduce selective surname system In rare move, Japan's top business lobby urges gov't to introduce selective surname system日本経済団体連合会が旧姓選択制の導入を政府に要望TOKYO ... 2025.01.02 英字新聞
英字新聞 Editorial: Japan will never be truly equal without same-sex marriage, surname choice Editorial: Japan will never be truly equal without same-sex marriage, surname choice社説 同姓婚なくして真の平等はない 同性婚、姓の選択なくして日本の真の平... 2025.01.02 英字新聞
英字新聞 74.1% of male, 89.8% of female higher ed students in Japan favor selective surnames: survey 74.1% of male, 89.8% of female higher ed students in Japan favor selective surnames: survey選択的夫婦別姓、男子74.1%、女子89.8%が賛成:調査... 2025.01.02 英字新聞
英字新聞 ‘Having choice’ is the point: Randstad exec on same-sex marriage, surname system in Japan 'Having choice' is the point: Randstad exec on same-sex marriage, surname system in Japan「選択肢があること」がポイント: ランスタッド役員、同性婚と日... 2025.01.02 英字新聞
英字新聞 ‘Who are you?’ Japan business lobby pushes gov’t to allow spouses to keep original surnames 'Who are you?' Japan business lobby pushes gov't to allow spouses to keep original surnamesあなたは誰?日本ビジネスロビー、配偶者が元の姓を名乗ること... 2025.01.02 英字新聞
英字新聞 57% in Japan for, 22% against selective surname system for married couples: Mainichi poll 夫婦別姓制度、賛成57%、反対22%: 毎日世論調査 57% in Japan for, 22% against selective surname system for married couples: Mainichi poll 夫婦別姓制度、賛成57%、反対22%: 毎日世論調査Full... 2025.01.02 英字新聞
英字新聞 Editorial: Japan gov’t must legalize same-sex marriage after yet another high court ruling 社説 日本政府は同性婚の合法化を 高裁判決を受けて Editorial: Japan gov't must legalize same-sex marriage after yet another high court ruling社説 日本政府は同性婚の合法化を 高裁判決を受けてFull ... 2025.01.02 英字新聞