

BBC Learning English: Prepositions of movement: Prepositions with Georgi

BBC Learning English:Prepositions of movement: Prepositions with GeorgiHello, this is Prepositions with Georgie from BBC...

BBC Learning English:Prepositions of place: Prepositions with Georgie

BBC Learning English:Prepositions of place: Prepositions with GeorgieIn, on, or at the airport? Let's find out!Hello and...

Friends | Janice Is Afraid of Chandler

Friends | Janice Is Afraid of ChandlerWe should take a trip.We should?Yep. We're a couple, and that's what couples do. A...

BBC Learning English: Prepositions of time: Prepositions with Georgie

BBC Learning English: Prepositions of time: Prepositions with GeorgieHello, this is Prepositions with Georgie, that's me...

BBC Learning English-Prepositions for transport: Prepositions with Georgie

BBC Learning English-Prepositions for transport: Prepositions with GeorgieWhy do we say “in the car”, but “on the bus”? ...

BBC Learning English-What is preposition? 前置詞

BBC Learning English-What is preposition?Prepositions with GeorgiePrepositions.People hate them.But what are they and wh...

BBC Learning English-Technology: Phrasal verbs with Georgie

BBC Learning English-Technology: Phrasal verbs with GeorgieHello, I'm Georgie and this BBC Learning English video is all...

BBC Learning English-😄😥 Feelings: Phrasal verbs with Georgie

BBC Learning English-Friendships: 😄😥 Feelings: Phrasal verbs with Georgie気持ち: ジョージーと句動詞😄😥 Feelings: Phrasal verbs with G...

BBC Learning English-Lost Maya city found in Mexico

BBC Learning English-Friendships: Lost Maya city found in MexicoBBC Learning English from the News - YouTubeメキシコで失われたマヤの...

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/31(木)関連記事-ガザ地区戦闘1年 紛争拡大

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/31(木)関連記事-ガザ地区戦闘1年 紛争拡大ガザでイスラエルとハマスの紛争が始まってから月曜日で1年Monday marks 1 year since Israel-Hamas conflict beg...

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/31(木) gridlock 意味

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/31(木) gridlockThe word "gridlock" originally describes a traffic situation where vehicles are unable t...

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/31(木)ガザ地区戦闘1年 紛争拡大

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/31(木)ガザ地区戦闘1年 紛争拡大And I’m Tom Kain. It’s great to have you with us today.MC:トラウデン直美 解説:大門小百合戦闘が継続、停戦協議...

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/30(水)袴田巌さん 無罪確定

ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 24/10/30(水)袴田巌さん 無罪確定Hi, this is Tom Kain. MC:トラウデン直美 解説:大門小百合PROSECUTORS WON'T APPEAL AFTER HAKAMADA ACQUIT...

BBC Learning English-Friendships: Phrasal verbs with Georgie

BBC Learning English-Friendships: Phrasal verbs with GeorgieHi! This is a BBC Learning English series all about somethin...

BBC Learning English-💻 Technology: Phrasal verbs with Georgiee

BBC Learning English-💻 Technology: Phrasal verbs with GeorgieHello, I'm Georgie and this BBC Learning English video is a...

Dodgers’ Freddie Freeman after his game-winning grand slam in Game 1

'That's a dream come true' – Dodgers' Freddie Freeman after his game-winning grand slam in Game 1夢が叶った」-第1戦で決勝満塁弾を放ったドジャ...

BBC Learning English-💪 Health and fitness Phrasal verbs with Georgie

BBC Learning English-💪 Health and fitness Phrasal verbs with GeorgieHello, this is BBC Learning English. In today's Phra...

BBC Learning English-Education: Phrasal verbs with Georgie

BBC Learning English-Education: Phrasal verbs with GeorgieDid you know that I'm really into photography? Well, you shoul...

BBC Learning English-✈️ Travel: Phrasal verbs with Georgie

BBC Learning English-✈️ Travel: Phrasal verbs with GeorgieUgh, look at this weather. I'm really looking forward to the s...

BBC Learning English-Money: Phrasal verbs with Georgie

BBC Learning English-Money: Phrasal verbs with Georgie-My car broke down and I had to fork out £800 to have it fixed. Oh...

Youtube 英語リスニング 英語ニュース 入門 Naomi, go viral

Youtube 英語リスニング 英語ニュース 入門 Naomi【ネイティブの耳】ネイティブ英語が聞こえるようになるリスニング解説 ニュースで学ぶ現代英語 学習者向けTim Walz on J.D. Vance: "I gotta tell ...

YouTube-Speak English With Vanessa, Learn English Conversation: Compilation

Speak English With Vanessa, Learn English Conversation: Compilation1). To Whom VS WhoTo whom am I speaking?Who am I spea...